CPSC 225 Intermediate Programming Spring 2005

CPSC 225 Syllabus


Week 1: 1/17-1/21

Topics: overview and introduction, basic program structure, conditions and loops, subroutines and functions

Reading: chapters 1-3
Plan to do the readings before coming to class, so that class time can be spent on addressing questions and trickier topics.

Examples: wages.cc (basic C++ program with input and output), payout.cc (basic program, random numbers), payout2.cc (srand), cards.cc (enumerated types), inflation.cc (function prototypes, preconditions)

  homework #1: Introduction to C++ and Warmup
due W 1/26 at the start of class

Week 2: 1/24-1/28

Topics: parameter passing, overloading functions, default arguments, static arrays

Reading: chapters 4-5

Examples: params.cc (value and reference parameters), assert.cc (assertions), array.cc (static arrays and array parameters)

  homework #2: Functions and Parameter Passing
due W 2/2 at the start of class

Week 3: 1/31-2/4

Topics: classes and separate compilation

Reading: chapters 6-7, 11.1

Examples: dice.h (class definition), dice.cc (class implementation), dicetester.cc (using classes and objects), yahtzeedice.h (instance variables with a class type), yahtzeedice.cc (implementing a class with instance variables of a class type), yahtzeedice2.h, yahtzeedice2.cc (implementing a class with an instance variable that is an array of a class type), yahtzeescore.h, yahtzeescore.cc, yahtzeescore2.h, yahtzeescore2.cc (two ways to begin implementing the YahtzeeScore class)

  homework #3: Tetris Board and Brain
due W 2/16 at the start of class note changed due date

Week 4: 2/7-2/11

Topics: strings, files and streams

Reading: chapters 9, 12

Examples: copy.cc (streams, files)

  homework #4: Random Writer
due W 2/16 at the start of class

Week 5: 2/14-2/18

Topics: class design, recursion

Reading: chapter 13

Examples: fib.cc (recursion)

exam review information

review session
6:45pm T 2/15
exam #1
F 2/18

Week 6: 2/21-2/25

Topics: recursion, pointers

Reading: chapters 13, 10

Examples: hanoi.cc (recursion), nqueens.cc (recursion and backtracking), pointers1.cc (pointers), pointers2.cc (pointers as parameters to functions)

  homework #5: Recursion
due W 3/2 at the start of class

Week 7: 2/28-3/4

Topics: pointers, linked data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues)

Reading: chapter 10, sections 17.1-17.3

Examples: vector.h, vector.cc (classes with dynamically allocated memory), linkedlist.h, linkedlist.cc (linked list node class), linkedlistdemo.cc (creating, manipulating, and destroying a small linked list)

  homework #6: Maze Generator
due W 3/9 at the start of class
can be turned in any time up to R 3/10 5pm without penalty

Week 8: 3/7-3/11

Topics: linked data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues)

Reading: 17.1-17.3

Examples: linkedlist.h, linkedlist.cc (linked list node class), linkedlistdemo2.cc (manipulating linked lists), stackarray.h, stackarray.cc (stack - array implementation), stacklist.h, stacklist.cc (stack - linked list implementation), stacktester.cc (stack demo program), queuelist.h, queuelist.cc (queue - linked list implementation), queuetester.cc (queue demo program)

spring break

Spring Break

Week 9: 3/21-3/25

Topics: iterators, friends, linked data structures (stacks, queues, binary trees)

Reading: 17.2-17.4

Examples: stackarray.h, stackarray.cc (stack - array implementation), stacklist.h, stacklist.cc (stack - linked list implementation), stacktester.cc (stack demo program), queuelist.h, queuelist.cc (queue - linked list implementation), queuetester.cc (queue demo program)

    final project groups
due M 3/21
    final project specifications
due W 3/30 in class
  homework #7: Priority Queues and Maze Solver
due W 3/30 at the start of class

Week 10: 3/28-4/1

Topics: linked data structures (binary trees)

Reading: 17.4

Handouts: binary tree ADT

Examples: binarytree.h, binarytree.cc (linked-structure binary tree), bstdemo.cc (binary search trees, using BinaryTree)

  homework #8: 20 Questions
due W 4/6 at the start of class
final project design
due W 4/13 in class

Week 11: 4/4-4/8

Topics: linked data structures, operator overloading

Reading: chapter 8

Examples: linkedlistdemo3.cc (more examples of manipulating linked lists), fraction.h, fraction.cc, fractiondemo.cc (overloading operators)

exam review information

review session
4:30pm W 4/6
exam #2
F 4/8

Week 12: 4/11-4/15

Topics: inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions

Reading: chapters 14-15

Examples: player.h, player.cc (generic "player" in the prisoner's dilemma game), strategies.h, strategies.cc ("players" with specific strategies in the prisoner's dilemma game - inheritance), dilemma.cc (main program for prisoner's dilemma - polymorphism), inherit.cc (constructors, destructors, and inheritance), inherit2.cc (early vs. late binding), constructordemo.cc, constructordemo2.cc, constructordemo3.cc, constructordemo4.cc (constructors and copy constructors with inheritance), asgndemo.cc, asgndemo2.cc, asgndemo3.cc (operator= and inheritance)

  homework #9: Image Processing I
due W 4/20 at the start of class
final project
due T 5/3 5pm

Week 13: 4/18-4/22

Topics: inheritance; templates & generic programming

Reading: ch 16

Examples: destructordemo.cc, destructordemo2.cc, destructordemo3.cc, destructordemo4.cc (destructors and inheritance), slicingdemo.cc (slicing), dilemma2.cc (arrays & slicing), downcastdemo.cc (downcasting)

  homework #10: Image Processing II
due W 4/27 at the start of class
no class
F 4/22

Week 14: 4/25-4/29

Topics: templates, STL & generic programming

Reading: ch 19

Examples: swap.cc (templated function), pair.h, pair.cc (templated class), pairdemo.cc (using a templated class), print.cc, sort.cc, (using STL containers/iterators, writing generic code)


Week 15: 5/2-5/6

Topics: STL & generic programming

Reading: ch 19

Examples: caesar.cc, jumble.cc (using STL iterators/algorithms, writing generic code), wordlist.h, wordlist.cc (using STL set), unionfind.h, unionfind.cc (using STL map)

review session
2pm F 5/6

Final Exams: 5/7-5/10

exam review information

final exam
T 5/10 8:30-11:30am

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