% The document class specifies the type of document. You can % change article to book or report. (In books and reports, you % can use \chapter in addition to \section and \subsection.) % Change 11pt to 10pt for smaller sized type; change it to 12pt % for larger sized type. You can get two-column output like this: % \documentclass[11pt,twocolumn]{article} \documentclass[11pt]{article} % "Packages" add extra capabilities to LaTeX that are not part % of the basic system. Here are a few that are often used. % It doesn't hurt to include them, even if you don't use them, % so you can leave this section alone. \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage[dvips]{graphics} % REMOVE the % at the beginning of the next line to get a running header % at the top of each page. The header contains section title and page number. % Change "headings" to "empty" to eliminate page numbering altogether. %\pagestyle{headings} % REMOVE the % at the beginning of the next line to get double-spaced text. % Increase or decrease the 1.8 to get more or less space between lines. %\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.8} % REMOVE the % at the beginning of the next line to spread arrays and % tables out a bit more vertically (they are sort of cramped otherwise). % (Not necessary if using double-spacing.) %\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} % Many lengths can be set to affect the appearance of the document. % Lengths are specified with units of cm (centimeters), in (inches), % or pt (points, 1pt = 1/72 inch). % REMOVE the %'s at the start of the following two lines make the text % on the page longer from top to bottom: %\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} %\setlength{\textheight}{8in} % REMOVE the %'s from the next three \setlength lines to get a 1-inch borders % on a standard 8-1/2 inch wide page. The default is a narrower strip of text. %\setlength{\textwidth}{6.5 true in} %\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0 true in} %\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0 true in} % REMOVE the % on the next \setlength line to add some vertical space % between paragraphs. The plus/minus stuff makes this a stretchly length. % Change the 10pt part only, to whatever size you want the parskip to be. %\setlength{\parskip}{10pt plus 2 pt minus 1 pt} % REMOVE the % on the next line to remove the usual paragraph indentation. %\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % REMOVE the next % if you are clueless enough to want a ragged right margin. %\raggedright % Fill in your own tile, author and date. These are printed out % later in the document, where it says \maketitle. (You have to % uncomment the \maketitle line to make this stuff appear in your % paper.) The \today will print the current date. \title{Your Title Here} \author{Your Name Here} \date{\today} \begin{document} % This is the beginning of the actual document contents. % REMOVE the % on the next line to include title/author/date: %\maketitle % REMOVE the %'s on the next lines and type an abstract if you want one: %\begin{abstract} % \textit{Text of abstract goes here --- textit puts it in italics} %\end{abstract} % The rest of this file is where you type your paper. You % can divide it into sections and subsections, as shown. % Remember to mark the end of each paragraph with a blank line! \section{First Section Title} This text is in the first section, but not in a subsection. \subsection{Subsection One} This text is in the subsection. \end{document}