The second test in CS 120 will be given in class on Wednesday, October 19. It will concentrate on what we have covered since the previous test. That means mainly JavaScript, including canvas graphics. It also covers a few HTML form elements and some of their properties and events. The test covers material from labs 5, 6, and 7 as well as material from class and from the textbook. You can consult the lists of material covered and readings from the textbook for weeks 4 through 7, on the course web page at
As usual, the test will be a mixture of various kinds of questions, such as: definitions, short essays, longer essays, writing JavaScript code to do drawing or other tasks, writing and using HTML form elements, and reading JavaScript code to say what it does. There is no CSS on this test.
Here are some terms and ideas that you should be familiar with:
programming JavaScript the HTML <script> element and how it is used variables declaring variables with var assignment statements, such as: num = 3; or x = x + 1; arithmetic expressions, such as: x + y/2 operators for arithmetic: + - * / Adding onto a string with +, such as: "Hello, " + userName comments in JavaScript functions parameters in functions calling functions built-in functions, including Math.floor(x) and Math.random() using Math.floor and Math.random to make random integers dialog functions, alert(message) and prompt(question) defining new functions in JavaScript calling functions in event handlers, such as: <button onclick="func()"... functions for drawing on a canvas, using a 2d context named graphics: graphics.clearRect(x,y,width,height) graphics.fillRect(x,y,width,height) graphics.stokeRect(x,y,width,height) graphics.fillText(string,x,y) graphics.strokeText(string,x,y) variables in a graphics context that affect the drawing: graphics.lineWidth graphics.fillStyle graphics.strokeStyle graphics.font graphics.globalAlpha other graphics functions that were defined for you to use: strokeLine(x1,y1,x2,y2) strokeCircle(x,y,radius) fillCircle(x,y,radius) randomColor() control statements if statements, with and without else expressions for making tests, such as: password == "sesame" operators for comparing values: == != < > <= >= for loops basic counting loops, such as: for ( i=1; i <= 10; i = i + 1 ) using i++ as an abbreviation for i = i + 1 using variables to control for loops, such as: for ( n = 0; n < quantity; n++ ) using different updates in for loops, such as: for ( n = 0; n <= 600; n = n + 50 ) HTML button elements and onclick: <button onclick="func()"... HTML input box elements: <input type="text" ... HTML password elements: <input type="password" ... HTML <select> and <option> elements the onchange event handler for <select> using the id attribute in HTML elements accessing HTML elements by id in JavaScript: document.getElementById(idname) the value property of an input box: document.getElementById(boxid).value the innerHTML property of an element: document.getElementById(id).innerHTML