This version of the sample page has some buttons that the user can click. Clicking a button will run a JavaScript "function". The functions are defined in a <script> at the bottom of the HTML source file for the page. In this case, the buttons perform some simple modifications to the page.

Welcome to Math/CS at HWS

Hobart and William Smith Colleges are a residential, four-year, liberal arts institution in upstate New York State, with about 2200 students. The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is a combined department of mathematics and computer science, with ten full-time faculty.

Math Courses

Our selection of math courses includes Math 110: Discovery in Math for non-majors, a typical calculus sequence, required courses such as Linear Algebra and Foundations of Analysis, and a wide range of electives. Our schedule for Fall 2014 includes:

Computer Science Courses

As for computer science, we offer CPSC 120 for non-majors. This course covers different topics, depending on who is teaching it, but it always includes some basic programming. For majors, we teach Java Programming and other required courses such as Computer Architecture and Analysis of Algorithms. Here are the courses scheduled for Fall 2014:

And here is a picture of one of our faculty members, John Vaughn: