Please note! As of May 24, 2000,
a new third edition of this text is available at
Computer Science 124:
Introduction to Programming Using Java
Second Edition, Fall 1998David J. Eck
WELCOME TO the on-line textbook for Computer Science 124: Introductory Programming, a course that was taught in the Fall term of 1998, at Hobart and William Smith Colleges by David Eck (email: The course is an introductory course on the theory and techniques of programming, using Java as the language of instruction. It has no prerequisites. If you want to learn more about the course, see its information page at A set of labs that were used in the course is available online at To learn more about this on-line text, including usage restrictions, please read its preface.
This is the "second edition" of a text that was used previously in Fall 1996 and Winter 1998. This version uses Java 1.1. If you read this text with a Web browser that only supports Java 1.0, most of the applets in the text won't work! See the preface for more information on Java 1.0 and Java 1.1. The "first edition" of this text, which used Java 1.0, is still available at
Short Table of Contents:
- Full Table of Contents
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Overview: The Mental Landscape
- Chapter 2: Programming in the Small: Variables, I/O, and Control Structures
- Chapter 3: Programming in the Large I: Subroutines
- Chapter 4: Programming in the Large II: Objects and Classes
- Chapter 5: Applets, HTML, and GUI's
- Chapter 6: Components and Events
- Chapter 7: Arrays and other Data Structures
- Chapter 8: Advanced Input/Output and Exceptions
- Chapter 9: From Java to C++
- Appendix 1: Source code for all examples in the text
- Appendix 2: Tests and Quizzes from CS 124
Downloading The Text:
This entire text is available for downloading in several formats. You can use the following links to download the archives. I assume that you know how to unpack the archives for use on your computer.
-, (713KB), for Windows 95/98/NT and other platforms.
-, (1MB), for Macintosh.
-, (836KB), for UNIX.
David Eck, 18 August 1998
Corrections and slight revisions, 14 November 1998.