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Help Screen Switches

+H or +?

Show help screen 0 if this is the only switch

+H0 to +H8

Show help screen 0 to 8 if this is the only switch

+?0 to +?8

Same as +H0 to +H8

Note that there are no INI style equivalents to these options.

Graphical interface versions of POV-Ray such as Mac or Windows have extensive online help. Other versions of POV-Ray have only a few quick-reference help screens. The +? switch, optionally followed by a single digit from 0 to 8, will display these help screens to the banner text stream. After displaying the help screens, POV-Ray terminates. Because some operating systems do not permit a question mark as a command line switch you may also use the +H switch. Note however that this switch is also used to specify the height of the image in pixels. Therefore the +H switch is only interpreted as a help switch if it is the only switch on the command line and if the value after the switch is less than or equal to 8.

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