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Boolean Keywords

The built-in float identifiers on, off, yes, no, true, and false are most often used as boolean values with object modifiers or parameters such as sturm, hollow, hierarchy, smooth, media_attenuation, and media_interaction. Whenever you see syntax of the form keyword [Bool], if you simply specify the keyword without the optional boolean then it assumes keyword on. You need not use the boolean but for readability it is a good idea. You must use one of the false booleans or an expression which evaluates to zero to turn it off. Note some of these keywords default on if no keyword is specified. For example:

  object{MyBlob}  //sturm defaults off but hierarchy defaults on

  object{MyBlob sturm}      //turn sturm on

  object{MyBlob sturm on}   //turn sturm on

  object{MyBlob sturm off}  //turn sturm off

  object{MyBlob hierarchy}  //does nothing, hierarchy was already on

  object{MyBlob hierarchy off}  //turn hierarchy off

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