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Items may be moved by adding a translate modifier. It consists of the keyword translate followed by a vector expression. The three terms of the vector specify the number of units to move in each of the x, y and z directions. Translate moves the element relative to it's current position. For example

 sphere { <10, 10, 10>, 1

  pigment { Green }

  translate <-5, 2, 1>


will move the sphere from the location <10,10,10> to <5,12,11>. It does not move it to the absolute location <-5,2,1>. Translations are always relative to the item's location before the move. Translating by zero will leave the element unchanged on that axis. For example:

 sphere { <10, 10, 10>, 1

  pigment { Green }

  translate 3*x // evaluates to <3,0,0> so move 3 units

         // in the x direction and none along y or z


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