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Generic Unix

Because Unix runs on a wide variety of hardware and CPUs, the POV-Team cannot provide executable versions for every type of Unix. We distribute generic Unix source code in portable ANSI C source code. You will need a C compiler and (optionally) the X include files and libraries and knowledge of how to use it. Although we provide source code for generic Unix systems, we do not provide technical support on how to compile the program.


POVUNI_S.TGZ or POVUNI_S.TAR.GZ - The C source code for POV-Ray for UNIX. Contains generic parts and Unix/Linux specific parts. It does not include sample scenes, standard include files and documentation so you should also get an executable archive for another platform or get

POVUNI_D.TGZ or POVUNI_D.TAR.GZ which contains the sample scenes, standard include files and documentation.

A C compiler for your computer and KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO USE IT.

Graphic file viewer capable of viewing PPM, TGA or PNG formats.

A text editor capable of editing plain ASCII text files.


Math co-processor.

8 meg or more RAM.


X Windows if you want to be able to display as you render.

You will need the X-Windows include files as well. If you're not familiar with compiling programs for X-Windows you may need some help from someone who is knowledgeable at your installation because the X include files and libraries are not always in a standard place.

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