CPSC 371, Fall 2003       Test 1 Info

The first test in CPSC 371 will be given in class on Wednesday, October 8. It covers Chapters 1 through 7 of Murach's Java Servlets and JSP and Chapters 2 and 4 from Struts KickStart. You should, of course, be familiar with anything that has been covered in class or on assignments. You should expect a large part of the test to consist of essay questions and definitions. However, there will also be questions that ask you to write short sections of JSP pages or Java code. The rest of this page lists some of the terms and ideas that you should be familiar with.

JSP files are translated into servlets
Tomcat webapps directory
Tomcat ROOT directory
Tomcat conf directory
WEB-INF directory in Tomcat
WEB-INF/classes directory
running Tomcat
port numbers and URLs
servlet/JSP container
Web servers
JSP scriptlets, <% ... %>
JSP expressions, <%= ... %>
JSP declarations, <%! ... %>
JSP directives, <%@ ... %>
JSP comments, <%-- ... --%>
JSP import, <%@ page import=...
JSP error page, <%@ page errorPage=...
JSP static include, <%@ include file=...
JSP dynamic include, <jsp:include page=...
JSP implicit objects:
   request, response, out,
   session, application
setAttribute(name, object)
   (for request, session, and application)
   (for request, session, and application)
HTTP sessions
session tracking
writing servlets
servlet URLs
the doGet() and doPost() methods
the getWriter() method in servlets
the getSession() method in servlets
Web applications
Model 1 vs. Model 2 architectures
the MVC pattern
presentation layer
business logic
persistent data
   (files and databases)
HTML forms
HTML input elements:
   <input type=text ...
   <input type=submit ...
   <input type=hidden ...
names for HTML form elements
accessing HTML form data
try...catch statements
GET and POST methods
forwarding in JSP and servlets
handling login in a web application
the HTTP protocol
HTTP request/response
statelessness of HTTP
HTTP request headers
HTTP response code numbers
HTTP response headers
HTTP cookies
using cookies for session tracking
persistent cookies vs. session cookies
maximum age of a cookie
the Java Cookie class
tracking sessions without cookies:
using URL rewriting to pass parameters
using hidden fields to pass parameters
differences between XML and HTML
advantages of XML
using XML for configuration files
DTDs for XML
the web.xml configuration file:
   what can be done with it?