1.0 1.2 xdbtags http://java.sun.com/jstl/xml Database Tags A set of tags for working with SQL database access connect xdb.Connect empty Use to open a connection to a database. Other tags in this library will operate on the opened connection. (You could have several open connection, if you specify id's for the extra connections.) Note that connections are represented by objects of type sdb.ConnectionInfo. An object of this type is stored as an attribute on the page, session, request, or application scope object. Typical usage will likely include host, username, password, and database attributes. driver false true Can be given by a run-time expression. The class name of the JDBC driver that should be used. Default is "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver", for accessing a MySQL database. dbtype false true Can be given by a run-time expression. Database type, "mysql" by default. (This is the name used in the JDBC URI, "jdbc:mysql://...") host false true Can be given by a run-time expression. Host name of the computer where database is located. Default is "localhost". username false true Can be given by a run-time expression. Username for logging onto the database. Default is "root". password false true Can be given by a run-time expression. Password for logging onto the database. Default is the empty string. database false true Can be given by a run-time expression. The name of the database that will be used for the SQL commands. Default is no database specified. id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object is stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". If you use a different id here, you must use the same id in any tags that manipulate the connection. scope false Should be one of "page", "request", "session", or "application". Default is "page". Specifies the scope where the connection object is stored. close xdb.Close empty Closes the connection. id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". iferror xdb.IfError JSP Use after opening or otherwise using a connection. If the most recent database operation produced an error, the body of the tag is evaluated. Otherwise, it is skipped. id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". ifnoerror xdb.IfNoError JSP Use after opening or otherwise using a connection. If the most recent database operation produced an error, the body of the tag is skipped. Otherwise, it is evaluated. scope false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". errormessage xdb.ErrorMessage empty Use after opening or otherwise using a connection. If the most recent database operation produced an error, the error message is output to the page. If there was no error, no output is produced. id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". update xdb.DoUpdate empty Perform an executeUpdate on a database connection. command true true Gives the SQL update command to be executed. Can be given by a run-time expression. id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". query xdb.DoQuery JSP Perform an exectueQuery on a database connection. Iterates its body over the rows of the result set (or skips its body if there is an error). In the body use "get" tags to access the data in the current row. command true true Gives the SQL query command to be executed. Can be given by a run-time expression. id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". get xdb.DoGet empty Get a value from the current row of a result set, and output it to the page. Only for use inside the body of a query tag. column true true The number or name of the column to be retrieved. htmlencode no If set to "no" or "false", the data from the column id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__". table xdb.Table empty Makes a nice centered table with data returned by an SQL query. command true true Gives the SQL query command to be executed. Can be given by a run-time expression. id false If present, gives the attribute name under which the connection object was stored. Default is "__xdbtags_connection_object__".