CPSC 441, Fall 2014
About the Final Project

As you know, this course will have a final project instead of a final exam. The project is due at the regularly scheduled final exam period: Thursday, December 18, at 8:30 AM. During the final exam period, each student will present his or her final project. The presentations should be rather formal and should be between fifteen and twenty minutes long. There are several possible types of projects, and the nature of your presentation will depend in part on the type of project that you do.

This is meant to be an individual project, but I will consider proposals for team projects with two or three people. Each person on a team will still be responsible for a full fifteen to twenty minute presentation, so a team project will have to be fairly substantial.

You should discuss your ideas with me and submit a proposal sometime within the next three weeks. We should not have two people (or teams) working on the same project, so you should move to claim your preferred topic quickly. If two people propose the same topic, the first to propose it can do it, and the other will have to find something else. I will ask for progress reports sometime in the following three weeks and again sometime soon after Thanksgiving break. Here are some guidelines and ideas, but you are certainly not restricted to the projects listed here...