CPSC 229, Fall 2000 Some things to know for the first test ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first test for this course will be given in class on Wednesday, September 20. You can expect a mixture of questions of the following types: Problems similar to those on the homeworks, questions that test your knowledge of definitions and theorems, and short essay questions. Here is a list of some of the terms and ideas that you should be familiar with for this test: translations between English and propositional or predicate logic proposition propositional logic logical operator conjunction, disjunction, and negation (AND, OR, and NOT) compound proposition precedence rules for operators truth table logical equivalence, tautologies, and contradictions implication operator (IF...THEN) exclusive or operator biconditional operator (IF AND ONLY IF) converse of an implication contrapositive of an implication what is meant by "algebra" boolean algebra laws of boolean algebra: double negation, law of excluded middle, commutative laws, associative laws, distributive laws, DeMorgan's laws algebraic demonstrations of logical equivalence logic circuits; AND, OR, and NOT gates combinatorial logic circuits translating between logic circuits and logical formulas disjunctive normal form putting a proposition in disjunctive normal form and, equivalently, finding a combinatorial logic circuit to compute a give truth table predicate logic predicates domain of discourse quantifiers (FOR ALL and THERE EXISTS) negations of quantified statements open statements and free variables two-place predicates the difference between different orders of quantification sets, subsets, and elements of sets the empty set set operations: union, intersection, complement, set difference relationships between sets and logic the set of natural numbers proper subset disjoint sets the Boolean algebra of sets representing subsets of a set as boolean numbers hexadecimal numbers the bitwise logical operators &, |, and ~ representing sets of features or options in programs