{ A multitasking program in which six turtles all do "random walks", using six different colors. A random walk in this case means selecting a direction at random and moving forward a small amount, and repeating that forever. If a turtle moves of the screen, it jumps back to the center. SUGGESTED: Run at "Fastest" speed with "Hide Turtles" enabled. } fork(6) { create six turtles } hsb(forknumber/6,1,1) { since forknumber is different for each turtle, this lets each turtle draw with a different color.} loop exit if 1=2 { Never exit; this is an infinite loop. } forward(0.2) face( 360*random ) { Face in a random direction, from 0 to 360 degrees. } if abs(xcoord) > 10 or abs(ycoord) > 10 then { turtle has moved outside the drawing area, so move it back to the center } home end if end loop