Introduction to Computer Graphics, Version 1.4, Summer 2023 This is the README file for the full graphicsbook source files, which are available in the GitHub repository The free textbook itself can be found on the web at: Note that using the sources will require a fair amount of expertise as well as some additional software (LaTeX, Java, Xalan-J, and the bash shell). The graphicstext directory contains the source files that are used to produce the web site and PDF versions of "Introduction to Computer Graphics", Version 1.4. Everything that I wrote in this directory is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, see (This does not include third-party libraries, such as those for JOGL, three.js, and gl-matrix, which use their own licenses.) You are given permission by the author and copyright holder, David J. Eck, to make and distribute copies of this work or modified versions of this work, for non-commercial purposes, provided that you include a clear attribution to the author of the original work and make clear any modifications that you have made. The attribution should include a reference to the web site, More specifically, this material is released under a creative commons attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license: ADDITIONALLY, permission is given to use source code from this work in programming projects without restriction and without attribution, for commercial or non-commercial purposes. No claim is made about the suitability or reliability of any of the source code. (If you use a substantial portion of the source code, I would appreciate attribution.) The source files for "Introduction to Computer Graphics" include XML files, which contain most of the text; XSLT transformation files, which are used to translate the XML files into a web site and LaTeX files; image files for both the web and PDF versions; source code files for examples in the textbook; scripts for building the web site and PDF versions; and other miscellaneous files. Most of the programs are web pages, and the source code is HTML and JavaScript files. Build scripts (.sh files) are provided for Linux; they should also work for MacOS. Making any modifications to the source will require a fair amount of expertise in a variety of technologies. The source was not originally designed for publication and comes with minimal instructions and help. It is provided as-is, with no guarantee of usefulness or usability. * * * To use the source files, you will need to edit the script named "" in the "graphicstext" folder to adapt it to your own environment. When it is run, it will create a folder named "graphicstext-1.4-source", which is the working directory for producting the PDF and web site versions of the book. The build the book, you will need Java and the Xalan-J Java XSLT processor (tested with version 2.7.2). To build the PDF versions, you will also need the TeX typesetting system -- in particular the latex and dvipdf commands. For information on getting TeX, see The build scripts for the PDF versions assume that the command "latex" is available on your system, and also that "dvipdf" is available. Alternative command names, or full paths to the commands, can be set by editing the script "" and providing new definitions for the appropriate variables. Xalan can be obtained from with downloads at As I write this, the name of the file is but later versions of Xalan-J should also work fine. To make things as easy as possible, you can extract Xalan-J in the graphicsbook-1.4-source directory, and rename the directory from something like "xalan-j_2_7_3" to "xalan". Alternatively, you can edit the script, and define XALAN_DIR to refer to the correct directory name for Xalan. (Or, you could make a symbolic link in the source directory from "xalan" to the Xalan directory.) Note that you really only need the .jar files in the Xalan directory. The following scripts are provided: --- defines variables used in other scripts. --- creates the web site version of the book. --- This does NOT require LaTeX. --- creates the regular PDF version of the book, (suitable mostly for printing) --- creates the linked PDF version of the book, (suitable mostly for on-screen reading) All these scripts put their output in a directory named build_output (but the destination can be changed by redefining BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR in Note that not all errors are detected by the scripts, so you will have to check the output directory to make sure that the output was actually produced correctly, even if the script says that it finished successfully. Here is a little more information for people who would like to try producing modified versions of the textbook... The original "graphicstext" folder is actually a project for the Eclipse IDE. If you would like to edit the sources in Eclipse, you should install the Eclipse XML tools. The XML files that define the sections of the various chapters in the book can be found in one directory per chapter. The directories are named c1-introduction, c2-graphics2d, c3-gl1geom, and so on. These directories also contain other files, such as images, that are used in each chapter in the web site version of the book. Most of the source code examples are in the sources directory, but the in-line demos for the web site are in the demos directory, and Java source code is in directories src-java2d and src-jogl. JOGL jar files, which are required for OpenGL in Java, are in the directory jogl-support. To use them, you will have to add them to the project, as described in Section 3.6.2 in the book. The syntax of the XML files is defined by the DTD file, graphicstext.dtd. This is a fairly simple, home-brewed DTD. Note that the elements ... and ... define content that is sent only to the web site version of the book, while ... and ... define content that goes only to the LaTeX (that is, PDF) versions. Also note that entity names are defined to refer to the XML files that define the individual sections of the book. The file graphicstext.xml is the main xml file that is processed to create the web site version of the book. It simply reads in graphicstext-xml-includes.txt, which in turn reads in all the individual xml files for the individual sections. For the LaTeX/PDF versions, the main xml file is graphicstext-tex.xml. It redefines some of the entities from the .dtd file, which are for the web site version. Xalan is used with the XSLT files convert-web.xsl, convert-tex.xsl, and convert-tex-linked.xsl to process the XML files. Note that the XSLT files use features specific to Xalan-j, so they cannot be expected to work with other XSLT processors. Many of the images used in the book were created using the program Inkscape on Linux. The Inkscape sources can be found in the directory named image-svg-originals. The images were exported in PNG format for use on the web and in EPS format for use with LaTeX. The LaTeX images are in the directory images-tex. The PNG images are in the individual chapter directories in which they are used. In some cases, the PNG file is the original, and there is no Inkscape file. You are welcome to email me for more information, but I can't promise to help you through all the difficulties of using the source code. --David J. Eck, Professor Emeritus Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges 300 Pulteney Street Geneva, NY 14456 USA Email: Web: