CPSC 124 | Introduction to Programming | Spring 2005 |
Assignments | |||
Week 1: 1/17-1/21Topics: overview and introduction, structure of a basic Java application, variables, primitive types, strings, text input and output Reading: 1.1-1.7, 2.1-2.3, 2.4-2.5 Examples: Eliza0.java (basic program structure, output), Eliza1.java (variables, TextIO), Average.java (TextIO, integer vs. double division) |
lab #1: Introduction to Linux and Java
due R 1/27 at the start of lab |
Week 2: 1/24-1/28Topics: String and Math, algorithm design, conditionals Reading: 2.3, 3.1-3.2, 3.5-3.6 Examples: MathStringDemo.java (using Math and String), rules for risk (top-down design - overview, then refine with details), Calculate1a.java, Calculate1b.java (two versions of the simple calculator problem) Jeliot information (program animation) |
lab #2: Math,
String, and TextIO (Oh My!) due R 2/3 at the start of lab |
Week 3: 1/31-2/4Topics: loops Reading: 3.3-3.4 Examples: Folding.java (while loops), Max.java and Max3.java (finding maximums), PrintNums.java (fencepost problems), DiceCount1.java (random integers, while loops), DiceCount2.java (for loops) Max2.java is an advanced version of the maximum-finding program, where the user can enter "quit" instead of a number to quit - this is provided as an example for the curious, but it uses things that are beyond the scope of this course |
lab #3:
Conditionals, Loops, and Simulation
due R 2/10 at the start of lab (TempConvert.java) |
Week 4: 2/7-2/11Topics: loops; subroutines, parameters, return values Reading: 3.3-3.4; 4.1-4.4 Examples: MultTable.java (nested loops), Beer0.java (subroutines), Beer1.java, Beer2.java (subroutines with parameters) |
lab #4: More Fun
With Loops due R 2/17 at the start of lab |
Week 5: 2/14-2/18Topics: subroutines, parameters, return values; review Reading: 4.1-4.4 Examples: RollSum.java (parameters and return values), DiceCount3.java (switch), StringCap0.java, StringCap1.java (functions, string manipulations) |
lab #5: Functions due R 2/24 at the start of lab |
review for exam (in class F 2/18) |
Week 6: 2/21-2/25Topics: exam; top-down design with subroutines, constants Reading: 4.6-4.7 Examples: MathQuiz.java (design with subroutines) |
exam #1 M 2/21 (solutions) |
programming assignment #1: Eliza due R 3/10 5pm (before you leave for spring break) |
lab #6: Mosaic
and Animation due R 3/3 at the start of lab (StickFigure.java - animation example) |
Week 7: 2/28-3/4Topics: classes and objects Reading: 5.1-5.2 Examples: War.java (using classes and objects), Student2.java (a small class, constructors, public vs. private), StudentDemo.java (demo of using Student2) |
lab #7:
Using Objects due R 3/10 at the start of lab |
Week 8: 3/7-3/11Topics: classes and objects, object oriented design Reading: 5.1-5.3 Examples: Dice.java (writing a class, static vs. non-static), DiceTester.java (using objects, static vs. non-static), CyberPet.java (writing a class), CyberPetDemo.java (using objects) |
in lab: work on project | |||
spring break 3/11-3/20 |
Spring Break |
Week 9: 3/21-3/25Topics: arrays Reading: 8.1-8.2, 8.5 Examples: ArrayDemo.java (arrays as function parameters, array assignment), ArrayDemo2.java (arrays of objects), CommandLineDemo.java (commandline arguments), ArrayDemo3.java (2D arrays), TicTacToe.java (main program), TicTacToePlayer.java, (tic-tac-toe player - example of classes), TicTacToeBoard.java (tic-tac-toe board - 2D arrays) |
programming assignment #2:
Snake Pit due W 4/6 5pm |
lab #8: Pong
due R 3/31 at the start of lab |
Week 10: 3/28-4/1Topics: introduction to applets and graphics, toolboxes, APIs, packages; review for exam Reading: 4.5, 6.1-6.3 Examples: BasicApplet.java (basic Swing applet), BasicComponent.java (basic Swing component), basicapplet.html (web page for running BasicApplet), BullseyeApplet.java, BullseyeComponent.java (components with constructors and instance variables), bullseyeapplet.html |
lab #9: Arrays
due R 4/7 at the start of lab |
Week 11: 4/4-4/8Topics: exam; layout managers and events Reading: 6.1, 6.3-6.6 Examples: LayoutDemoApplet.java, layoutdemo.html, BorderLayoutDemoApplet.java, borderlayoutdemo.html, ComplexLayoutDemoApplet.java, complexlayoutdemo.html (layout managers), ButtonDemoApplet.java, buttondemo.html (event handling - applet class handles), ButtonDemoApplet2.java, buttondemo2.html (event handling - nested class handles), ButtonDemoApplet3.java, buttondemo3.html (enabling/disabling components) |
exam #2 M 4/4 (solutions) |
lab #10:
Sampler Quilt due R 4/14 at the start of lab |
final project specifications due M 4/11 in class |
Week 12: 4/11-4/15Topics: events Reading: 6.4-6.5 Examples: PaintSplotchApplet.java, PaintSplotchPanel.java, paintsplotch.html (mouse and mouse motion events), WanderingDotApplet.java, WanderingDotComponent.java, wanderingdot.html (mouse motion events), ClickDemoApplet.java, ClickDemoPanel.java, clickdemo.html (determining mouse buttons and modifier keys on mouse events, and event timestamps), KeyDemoApplet.java, KeyDemoPanel.java, DotPanel.java, keydemo.html (key and focus events), WhackAMole.java, WhackAMolePanel.java, whack-a-mole.html (timer and mouse events) |
final project design due M 4/18 in class |
lab #11: Talk
Like a Pirate due R 4/21 at the start of lab |
Week 13: 4/18-4/22Topics: inheritance & polymorphism Reading: 5.4-5.6 Examples: Shape.java, Rectangle.java, RoundedRectangle.java, Oval.java, Circle.java (defining classes using inheritance), ShapeDemoApplet.java, shapedemoapplet.html (inheritance and polymorphism), PaintSplotchApplet2.java, PaintSplotchPanel2.java, paintsplotch2.html (inheritance and polymorphism), TicTacToe2.java, TicTacToePlayer2.java, TicTacToeBoard.java, HumanPlayer.java, ComputerPlayer.java (inheritance and polymorphism, abstract classes) |
final project due T 5/3 5pm |
lab #12: Rabbit
Hunt due R 4/28 at the start of lab |
no class F 4/22 |
Week 14: 4/25-4/29Topics: more about arrays: dynamic arrays, searching, sorting Reading: 8.3-8.4 Examples: Hand.java (partially full array, dynamic arrays, sorting, shuffling) |
in lab: work on final project | |||
Week 15: 5/2-5/6Topics: arrays: searching, ArrayList/Vector Reading: 8.3-8.4 Examples: Hand.java (partially full array, dynamic arrays, sorting, shuffling), Hand2.java (using ArrayList) |
review session F 5/6 11:15am |
Final Exams: 5/7-5/10 |
final exam S 5/8 7-10pm |