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ACE - Static variable in class Card
addCard(Card) - Method in class Hand
Add a card to the hand.


BOTTOM - Static variable in class Bouncer
Bouncer - Class in <Unnamed>
Handle the math calculations needed to determine if the ball hits a paddle or a wall.
Bouncer() - Constructor for class Bouncer


Card - Class in <Unnamed>
An object of type Card represents a playing card from a standard Poker deck, including Jokers.
Card() - Constructor for class Card
Creates a Joker, with 1 as the associated value.
Card(int, int) - Constructor for class Card
Creates a card with a specified suit and value.
cardsLeft() - Method in class Deck
As cards are dealt from the deck, the number of cards left decreases.
clear() - Method in class Hand
Remove all cards from the hand, leaving it empty.
CLUBS - Static variable in class Card


dealCard() - Method in class Deck
Removes the next card from the deck and return it.
Deck - Class in <Unnamed>
An object of type Deck represents a deck of playing cards.
Deck() - Constructor for class Deck
Constructs a regular 52-card poker deck.
Deck(boolean) - Constructor for class Deck
Constructs a poker deck of plaing cards, The deck contains the ususal 52 cards and can optionally contain two Jokers in addtion, for a total of 54 cards.
DIAMONDS - Static variable in class Card


getCard(int) - Method in class Hand
Gets the card in a specified position in the hand.
getCardCount() - Method in class Hand
Returns the number of cards in the hand.
getPaddleSideHit(PongPaddle, PongBall) - Static method in class Bouncer
Check if the ball has hit the paddle.
getSuit() - Method in class Card
Returns the suit of this card.
getSuitAsString() - Method in class Card
Returns a String representation of the card's suit.
getValue() - Method in class Card
Returns the value of this card.
getValueAsString() - Method in class Card
Returns a String representation of the card's value.
getWallHit(double, double, double, double, PongBall) - Static method in class Bouncer
Determine which wall, if any, the ball has hit.


Hand - Class in <Unnamed>
Hand() - Constructor for class Hand
Create a hand that is initially empty.
hasJokers() - Method in class Deck
Test whether the deck contains Jokers.
HEARTS - Static variable in class Card


JACK - Static variable in class Card
JOKER - Static variable in class Card


KING - Static variable in class Card


LEFT - Static variable in class Bouncer


NONE - Static variable in class Bouncer


QUEEN - Static variable in class Card


removeCard(int) - Method in class Hand
Remove the card in a specified position from the hand.
removeCard(Card) - Method in class Hand
Remove a card from the hand, if present.
RIGHT - Static variable in class Bouncer


shuffle() - Method in class Deck
Put all the used cards back into the deck (if any), and shuffle the deck into a random order.
sortBySuit() - Method in class Hand
Sorts the cards in the hand so that cards of the same suit are grouped together, and within a suit the cards are sorted by value.
sortByValue() - Method in class Hand
Sorts the cards in the hand so that cards of the same value are grouped together.
SPADES - Static variable in class Card


TOP - Static variable in class Bouncer
toString() - Method in class Card
Returns a string representation of this card, including both its suit and its value (except that for a Joker with value 1, the return value is just "Joker").
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