CPSC 225 | Intermediate Programming | Fall 2005 |
Assignments | Important Dates | ||
Week 1: 8/29-9/2Topics: course mechanics; overview and introduction; basic program structure, conditions and loops, subroutines and functions Reading: Savitch ch 1-3 (Wed) Examples:
homework #0: see announcements due W 8/31 |
homework #1: Introduction to
C++ due W 9/7 at the start of class (partial solutions) |
Week 2: 9/5-9/9Topics: parameter passing, overloading functions; arrays; strings Reading: Savitch ch 4 (Mon), 5 (Wed), 9 (Fri) Examples:
homework #2: Functions and
Parameters due M 9/19 at the start of class (partial solutions) |
Week 3: 9/12-9/16Topics: files and streams Reading: Savitch ch 12 (Fri) Examples:
no class Mon 9/12 and Wed 9/14, no lab Thu 9/15 (away at conference) | ||
Week 4: 9/19-9/23Topics: classes, separate compilation, makefiles; object-oriented programming and abstract data types; ADT Stack & Queue Reading: Savitch 6.1-6.2, 7.1-7.2, 11.1 (Mon) Examples:
homework #3: Random
Writer due W 9/28 at the start of class |
Week 5: 9/26-9/30Topics: array-based Stack/Queue; operator overloading, friend functions Reading: Savitch ch 8 (Wed) Examples:
homework #4: Tetris due W 10/12 at the start of class |
review session Thu 9/29 4:30pm (review information) |
Week 6: 10/3-10/7Topics: pointers and dynamic memory allocation Reading: Savitch 10.1-10.2 (Wed) Examples:
midterm #1 in class Mon 10/3 (solutions - PDF) |
Week 7: 10/10-10/14Topics: pointers and dynamic memory allocation; copy destructors, destructors, assignment operators; growable-array Stack & Queue Reading: Savitch 10.3 (Wed) Examples:
no class Mon 10/10 (fall break) | ||
homework #5: Maze Class due W 10/19 at the start of class |
Week 8: 10/17-10/21Topics: linked lists Reading: Savitch 17.1 (Mon) Examples:
final project groups due Mon 10/17 at the start of class |
homework #6: PriorityQueue due W 10/26 at the start of class |
final project specifications due Fri 10/28 at the start of class |
Week 9: 10/24-10/28Topics: variations of linked lists, Stacks and Queues with linked lists, program/class design Reading: Savitch 8.2, 17.2 (Wed) Examples:
homework #7: Maze Solver due W 11/2 at the start of class |
final project
design due Fri 11/11 at the start of class (design meeting no later than Mon 11/7) |
Week 10: 10/31-11/4Topics: class design, inheritance and polymorphism Reading: Savitch ch 14 (Wed) Examples:
homework #8: Image Processing
I due W 11/9 at the start of class |
Week 11: 11/7-11/11Topics: inheritance and polymorphism, templates, recursion Reading: Savitch ch 15 (Mon), ch 16 (Wed), ch 13 (Fri) Examples:
homework #9: Image Processing
II due W 11/16 at the start of class |
review session Thu 11/10 5pm (new time!) (review information) |
midterm #2 take home due Mon 11/14 at the start of class (solutions - PDF) |
Week 12: 11/14-11/18Topics: recursion, trees, binary trees Reading: Savitch ch 13 (Mon), 17.4 (Fri) Examples:
final project due Fri 12/9 5pm |
homework #10: Recursion fractals due T 11/22 5pm (or before you leave for Thanksgiving break, whichever is first) tetravex bonus due F 12/2 at the start of class |
Week 13: 11/21-11/25Topics: implementing binary trees Reading: Savitch section 17.4 (Mon) Examples:
no class Wed 11/23 or Fri 11/25, no lab Thu 11/24 (Thanksgiving break) | |||
Week 14: 11/28-12/2Topics: working with binary trees, binary search trees Reading: Examples:
bonus homework: Trees due Mon 12/12 5pm (handing in sooner is encouraged) |
Week 15: 12/5-12/9Topics: debugging, bringing it all together Reading: testing/debugging handout Examples:
Reading Period & Exams: 12/10-12/16 |
review session Mon 12/12 3pm (review information) |
super deadline no work accepted after Wed 12/14 11:30am |
final exam Wed 12/14 8:30-11:30am | ||