CPSC 343 | Database Theory and Practice | Fall 2015 |
Reading is to be done for the class period where it is listed. Additional Reading is additional (optional but recommended) reading addressing material covered that day.
Dates for things in light gray are tentative and may shift slightly.
Assignments | |||
Week 1: 8/31-9/4Topics: introduction; the relational model and the relational algebra |
Mon |
Additional Reading:
homework #0 due Wed 9/2 at the start of class |
Wed |
homework #1 due Fri 9/4 at the start of class |
Fri | Slides and Examples: | homework #2 due Mon 9/7 at the start of class |
Week 2: 9/7-9/11Topics: the tuple relational calculus |
Mon |
Additional Reading:
homework #3 due Wed 9/9 at the start of class |
Wed | Examples: | homework #4 due Fri 9/11 at the start of class |
Fri |
homework #5 due Mon 9/14 at the start of class |
Week 3: 9/14-9/18Topics: E/R modeling |
Mon |
homework #6 due Wed 9/16 at the start of class |
Wed |
homework #7 due Fri 9/18 at the start of class |
project topics due Fri 9/18 |
Fri |
Slides and Examples:
Additional Reading:
homework #8 due Mon 9/21 at the start of class |
project specifications / requirements gathering due Mon 9/28 |
Week 4: 9/21-9/25Topics: E/R modeling |
Mon |
homework #9 due Wed 9/23 at the start of class |
Wed |
Fri |
homework #10 due Mon 9/28 at the start of class |
Week 5: 9/28-10/2Topics: relational DB design |
Mon |
homework #11 due Wed 9/30 at the start of class |
Wed |
homework #12 due Fri 10/2 at the start of class |
project conceptual design due Fri 10/9 |
Fri |
homework #13 due Mon 10/5 at the start of class |
Week 6: 10/5-10/9Topics: SQL - data definition and queries |
Mon |
homework #14 due Wed 10/7 at the start of class |
Wed |
homework #15 due Fri 10/9 at the start of class |
Fri |
Week 7: 10/12-10/16Topics: SQL - queries |
Mon | fall break (no class) |
Wed | homework #16 due Fri 10/16 at the start of class |
Fri |
Week 8: 10/19-10/23Topics: SQL - queries, views, insert/delete/update |
Mon |
exam 1 (take home)
Slides and Examples:
due Mon 10/19 in class
homework #17 due Wed 10/21 at the start of class |
project logical design and DB implementation due Fri 10/30 |
Wed |
Additional Reading:
homework #18 due Fri 10/23 at the start of class |
Fri |
homework #19 due Mon 10/26 at the start of class |
Week 9: 10/26-10/30Topics: SQL - triggers; web applications: HTML and PHP |
Mon |
homework #20 due Wed 10/28 at the start of class |
Wed |
Slides and Examples:
For the PHP examples, load viewphp.html in the respective directories and enter the name of the desired file to see the PHP source. |
homework #21 due Mon 11/2 at the start of class |
Fri | Slides: | ||
Week 10: 11/2-11/6Topics: web applications: DB access and programming, HTML forms, sessions and cookies |
Mon |
For the PHP examples, load viewphp.html in the respective directories and enter the name of the desired file to see the PHP source. |
homework #22 due Fri 11/6 at the start of class |
Wed | project application design due Wed 11/11 |
Fri |
For the PHP examples, load viewphp.html in the respective directories and enter the name of the desired file to see the PHP source. |
homework #23 due Wed 11/11 at the start of class |
Week 11: 11/9-11/13Topics: forms and sessions; transactions; stored routines |
Mon | Slides: | ||
Wed | Reading: Slides: | ||
Fri | Reading: Slides: | ||
Week 12: 11/16-11/20Topics: stored routines; security and user authorization; file structure and data storage |
Mon |
exam 2 (take home)
due Mon 11/16 in class |
homework #24 due Wed 11/18 at the start of class |
project implementation due Fri 12/11 |
Wed | Slides: | homework #25 due Fri 11/20 at the start of class |
Fri |
Additional Reading:
Week 13: 11/23-11/27Topics: indexing |
Mon |
Additional Reading:
homework #26 due Wed 12/2 at the start of class |
Wed | Thanksgiving break (no class) |
Fri | |||
Week 14: 11/30-12/4Topics: indexes, query processing |
Mon | Slides: | ||
Wed |
Additional Reading:
homework #27 due Fri 12/4 at the start of class |
Fri | Slides and Examples: | ||
Week 15: 12/7-12/11Topics: query processing |
Mon | Slides and Examples: | homework #28 due Wed 12/9 at the start of class |
Wed | Slides and Examples: | ||
Fri |
project demos
in class |
Reading Period: 12/12-12/14 |
Sat | |||
Sun | |||
Mon | |||
Exams: 12/15-12/18 |
Tue | |||
Wed |
final exam (take home)
due Wed 12/16 10pm |
end-of-semester deadline no work accepted after 12/16 10pm |
final project handin due Wed 12/16 10pm |
Thu | |||
Fri |