{ xTurtle Tutorial Example #1: Basics. This file demos some of the built-in commands of the xTurtle language. First lesson: This is a comment, since it is enclosed between { and }. Comments are ignored by the compute. Note: If the scroll bars on this text area are not active, it's a bug in your browser. Try resizing the window. } forward(5) { Move turtle forward 5 units, drawing a line as it goes. } turn(90) { Rotate turtle 90 degrees, counterclockwise. } green { Change drawing color to green. Color names include red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, gray. } forward(2) { Move forward 2. } back(4) { Move backwards 4. } { The net result of the preceding commands is to draw a red and green T-shape. Red is the default drawing color. } PenUp { When pen is up, turtle doesn't draw anything as it moves. } MoveTo(-5,3) { Move directly to the point with coordinates (-5,3) } PenDown { Start drawing again. } rgb(1,0.5,0.5) { Changes drawing color to the color with red, green, blue components given by 1, 0.5, 0.5. This will be sort-of-pink. } face(0) { Set turtle's heading to 0 degrees, meaning face to the right. } circle(3) { Draw a circle of radius 3. The circle is drawn to the left of the turtle's current position. } PenUp MoveTo(-3,-7) { Move again. } PenDown Magenta { Change drawing color to magenta. } Arc(2,90) { Draw a 90-degree arc of a radius-2 circle. } forward(3) Arc(2,90) forward(3) Arc(2,90) forward(3) Arc(2,90) forward(3) { A box with rounded corners has been drawn. } PenUp MoveTo(5,-5) { Move again. } PenDown black { Draw in black. } DrawText("Hello") { Write the message Hello at current cursor position. } DrawText("World!") { This lines up under the Hello. }