CPSC 120, Spring 2002 Information for the Final Exam -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final exam will be given in our regular classroom on Monday, May 6, at 7:00 PM. The final exam is cumulative. You should review the information sheets for the three tests that were given earlier in the term. You might also want to review my answers for the tests. There are links to all this material on the course web page, which can be found at http://math.hws.edu/eck/cs120/. You can expect the exam to be about six pages long, and you will probably not need the full three hour exam period to finish it. The exam counts for 20% of your total course grade. Although it is cumulative, there will be some emphasis on the material we have covered since the third test, that is on three-dimensional graphics and artificial intelligence. Here are some of the terms you should be familiar with, in addition to the material from earlier tests: rotation about an axis in three dimensions scaling and translation in three dimensions projection of a three-dimensional image onto a two-dimensional surface wireframe model realistic graphics attributes such as color, transparency, and reflection texture mapping lighting and light sources artificial intelligence the Turing Test (called the "Imitation Game" in Alan Turing's paper) physical Symbol System Hypothesis problem solving microworlds natural-language processing machine Translation expert systems knowledge representation philosophical issues related to artificial intelligence the limits of logic (Turing's Mathematical Objection) Searl's Chinese Room argument the problem of consciousness and the danger of solipsism neural nets genetic algorithm There are a few topics that will not be on the exam. There will be no questions about the assembly language of xComputer. You will not be asked about the internal structure of specific logic circuits, such as the ALU, adders, or memory circuits. (You should, however, know what these circuits are used for.) I will not ask you about recursive xTurtle subroutines (although you should still be familiar with the general idea of recursion). You can be sure that there WILL be some sort of essay question dealing with structured complexity. My office hours for the days leading up to the exam will be as follows: Monday, April 29: 10:10 -- 11:05 Wednesday, May 1: 1:00 -- 3:00 Thursday, May 2: 10:00 -- 12:00, 1:30 -- 3:00 Friday, May 3: 10:00 -- 11:30, 2:00 -- 3:00 Saturday, May 4: 1:00 -- 4:00, 6:00 -- 7:00 Sunday, May 5: 1:00 -- 4:00 Monday, May 6: 1:00 -- 4:00, 6:00 -- 7:00