CPSC 120: Principles of Computer Science,Spring 2002

Lab 3: Logic Circuits, Part 2

THIS LAB CONSISTS of material and exercises from xLogicCircuits Lab 2: Memory Circuits, which you can find at:


or just go the the CS120 web page and click on the appropriate link.

The exercises that you should turn in for your lab report are Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from that the end of that lab worksheet. These exercises are due next Wednesday in class. Note that Exercises 2, 3, and 5 ask you to construct circuits. These circuits must be saved in your homework directory in your Linux account. Be sure to tell me in your lab report what files I should look for! Exercises 2 and 5 have an essay part, in addition to the circuit, which should part of your lab report. Exercises 1 and 4 are essay-only.

To Save Your Work...

Remember that in order to save your work in the xLogicCircuits program, you can't run it off a Web page. This was discussed extensively in the previous lab. There are two different ways that you can run xLogicCircuits and see the examples from the lab worksheet:

  1. Mount your Linux home directory as a Windows network drive. Run the program "RunLabs" from the "cpsc120" directory in the "PCcommon" directory under the Windows "My Computer" icon. Click on "xLogicCircuits Lab 2" to see xLogicCircuits with the examples that are mentioned in the lab worksheet.
  2. Sign on to your Linux account using X-Win32. Open a "Konqueror" window and enter \home\cs120 in it's "Location" box. Click the "RunLabs" icon. When the program runs, click on "xLogicCircuits Lab 2" to see xLogicCircuits with the examples that are mentioned in the lab worksheet.

Some Notes on Your Linux Account

Don't forget that you can also use your Linux account in the Computer Science Lab in Lansing 310. In that lab, you can sign on to Linux without going through Windows.

You were assigned a four-digit number as a password for your Linux account. If you would like to change your password, just sign on to your account and look for the "Change Password" program in the "Utilities" submenu of the "K" menu.

--David Eck (eck@hws.edu), January 2002