CPSC 120, Spring 2002 Information for the First Test ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The first test for this course will be given in class on Wednesday, February 13. It will cover material from Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in the textbook as well as material that was covered in the first four labs. Some sections of the text were omitted from the reading (see the weekly information on the course Web site, http://math.hws.edu/eck/cs120/). The test will include some problems dealing with logic circuits, Boolean expressions, and assembly language programming. There will be some short-answer questions, including definitions of important terms. There will also be a few longer essay-type questions to test your understanding of important concepts. The course Web page includes a weekly list of important terms and ideas that you should know. Here is a copy of this information for the first four weeks of the course: complexity structured complexity computation computer program symbols CPU mechanical manipulation computer memory bit transistor binary (base-two) numbers byte counting in binary pixel ASCII code digitization Central Processing Unit Main Memory program fetch-and-execute cycle machine language high-level language transistor logic gates AND, OR, and NOT propositional logic logic formulas logic circuits relating formulas to circuits Boolean algebra building a circuit from an Input/Output table Using circuits to compute with binary numbers Addition of binary numbers One-bit (or "full") adder circuit: two inputs, Carry-in, Sum, and Carry-out Building a multi-bit adder from several one-bit adders ALU (arithmetic-logic unit) Control wire Feedback loop Memory circuit One-bit memory: Data-in, Data-out, and Load-data wires Register clock (that makes a computer run) Control Circuit RAM (random access memory) location in RAM address of a location in RAM specific registers in xComputer: ADDR, IR, PC, COUNT, AC fetch-and-execute cycle control wires how the clock and Count Register drive the steps of the fetch-and-execute cycle how the Control circuit works specific assembly language instructions: ADD, ADD-C, SUB, SUB-C, LOD, LOD-C, STO, INC, DEC, JMP, JMZ, JMN, HLT assembly language and its relationship to machine language labels in an assembly language program