CPSC 220, Fall 2022
Lab 3: Larc Programming, Part 2

This is the second of two labs on programming the Larc model computer, using the Larcsim simulator program. This lab concentrates on accessing Larc memory with the sw and lw instructions, on implementing subroutines with the jalr instructions, and on using strings. You should have already completed the previous lab, and you should be familiar with the Larc computer and Larc simulator documentation. The first two sections of this lab write-up, below, have some additional documentation and sample programs. The exercises for the lab are in the third section. The optional fourth section is not really part of the lab (since I decided to put off the material that it covers until we do x86-64 programming later in the semester). You can read it, and try the two sample programs, to get a preview of that material if you are interested.

All the files that you need for this lab can be found in the folder /classes/cs220/lab3-files. They can also be downloaded using links on this web page. (The files referenced in the optional material are only available through links.)

The assignment for the lab is to write several Larc programs, as specified below. The programs will be written as plain text files named ex6.x, ex7.s, ex8.s, and ex9.s. You should save those files in a folder named lab3. Turn in your work by copying the entire lab3 folder to your homework submission folder in /classes/cs220/homework. As usual, work must be submitted by the start of next week's lab.


For our purposes, a "string" is just a sequences of 16-bit numbers, representing Unicode characters, stored in consecutive locations in memory, with a zero stored at the end to mark the end of the string. The Larcsim simulator program, larcsim.jar, includes some support for working with strings. In particular, syscalls 1 and 3 let a program do input and output of strings. Furthermore, the built-in assembler program allows you to place a string in memory when the program is loaded, by including a line in the program that starts with a double-quote. And you can control where that string is placed in memory using a line starting with @. For example,

"Hello World!

puts the string "Hello World!" in memory, starting at location 100, with a zero added to mark the end of the string.

As a simple example of doing string input/output, the sample Larc program string-io.s reads strings from the user and echos them. Try running that program, and set the memory display to "Character." Look in memory starting at location 50 to see the string that is output at the start of the program. As the program runs, look at location 100 to see the string entered by the user.


The last exercise for this lab will ask you to write and use a subroutine. The file 3N+1-with-subroutine.s is an example of using a subroutine in a Larc machine language program.

To implement subroutines on the machine level, there must be a way to pass parameters to the subroutine, to jump to the address where the subroutine is stored in memory, to jump back to the point from which the subroutine was called when the subroutine ends, and possibly to return some value to the caller. There could be many ways to do all that, but in any case, the subroutine and he caller must agree on the details. In a given environment — such as C programs compiled with the gcc compiler running on an x86 processor — there will generally be some calling convention that all callers and subroutines will know about and follow. For this lab, we have the freedom to make up any calling convention that we want to use.

Remember that a subroutine can be called from different points in a program. When a subroutine ends, it has to transfer control back to the particular place in the program from which the subroutine was called. To do that, it needs to know the return address. The return address is something like a parameter, which needs to be passed to the subroutine when it is called. In the Larc model computer, this is made possible by the jalr instruction.

A jalr instruction takes two registers as parameters. When Larc executes an instruction of the form jalr $A $B, it copies the current value of the program counter, PC, into register A and then copies the value from register B into the program counter. The value stored into register A is the address of the instruction that follows the jalr instruction; this is the return address, where the the subroutine needs to return when it ends. The value from register B should be the address of the start of the subroutine, and copying that value to the PC has the effect of jumping to the start of the subroutine.

Let's say that we have a subroutine that is stored starting at memory location 100, and that we want to save the return address in register 14. A call to the subroutine can be implemented with the two instructions

li $8 100  # (any register could be used here instead of $8)
jalr $14 $8

When the subroutine ends, it just has to jump to the address stored in register 14. Since there is no need to save a return address in this case, the jump can be implemented with

jalr $0 $14

(Remember that the value of register 0 is always equal to zero, so this instruction does not save the current PC.)

Of course, there is also the question of parameters and return values. A simple calling convention might be for the caller to store any paramters in registers 1, 2, 3, … before calling the subroutine, and for the subroutine to store the return value in register 1 before returning. For strings, arrays, and other data structures, the address of the start of the data structure in memory can be passed. (You should recognize this pattern from working with syscalls. A syscall is just a special kind of subroutine call, which calls a subroutine in the operating system.)

The sample program 3N+1-with-subroutine.s computes and prints a 3N+1 sequence, using a subroutine to compute the next term in the sequence. The subroutine has one parameter, representing the current value of N, and a return value, representing the next value of N. Here is the well-documented subroutine code:

# A subroutine to compute the next term in a 3N+1 sequence.  The subroutine
# is at location 256.  When it is called, the current value of N must be
# in register 1.  The subroutine should be called with jalr, saving the
# return address in register 14.  When it returns, the next value of N is 
# in register 1.   Note that this subroutine also uses registers 10, 11, 12, 
# and 13.  Values in in those registers (as well as register 14) before the 
# subroutine is called are not preserved.


li $11 1        # Store the constants used in the calculation
li $12 3
li $13 15

add $10 $0 $1   # Copy N into register 10

sll $10 $10 $13 # Set register 10 to the low-order bit in N.
srl $10 $10 $13 #     so register 10 will be non-zero when N is odd.

bnez $10 2      # If N is odd, jump to the "odd" case.

srl $1 $1 $11   # N is even; divide N by 2.
jalr $0 $14     # Return from subroutine.

mul $1 $1 $12   # N is odd; multiply N by 3, then add 1
add $1 $1 $11
jalr $0 $14     # Return from subroutine.

In the program, N is in stored in register 4. Calling the subroutine looks like this:

add $1 $0 $4    # Copy the parameter, N, to register 1.
lui $2 1        # Address of start of subroutine, 256, in register 2.
jalr $14 $2     # Call subroutine.

add $4 $0 $1    # Copy return value, the new value of N, to register 4.


Exercise 6: The file ex6.s is a copy of the second sample program from the previous lab, which reads two integers from the user and prints their sum and their product. You should edit that file so that it prompts the user for each input and labels the output. A run of the program might produce this:

Your first number: 5
Your second number: 12
The sum is 17
The product is 60

Note that after outputting the sum, you will need to output an end-of-line (that is, a string containing only the character \n).

Exercise 7: For this exercise, create a new file named ex7.s. This is a fairly easy exercise in storing numbers in memory. You should write a program that reads a sequence of integers from the user and stores that list of numbers in memory, starting at some specific memory location. Use a loop to read the numbers. End the program when the user's number is zero. In a more realistic program, you would want to do something with the list of numbers, but for this exercise, your only assignment is to store them in memory.

You will need to use a register to hold the address of the memory location where the input number is stored. Use any initial address that you like (as long as you don't overwrite the program!). After storing each number, increment the address.

Note that the sample program string-io.s reads items in a loop that ends when the user enters a certain input. The general flow of that program is similar to what you need to do for this exercise.

Exercise 8: For this exercise, create a new file named ex8.s. The program should read a string from the user, then print the length of the string, and then print the reverse of the string. (The reverse of a string means the characters of the string in reverse order from the end of the string back to the start.) Put a very large maxlength in Register 3, to avoid having the program discard some of the user's input. You should prompt the user for the input, but you do not have to label the outputs. A typical run of the program might produce this in the input/output area of the Larcsim window:

Enter a string, and I will print the length and the reverse.
Hello World!
!dlroW olleH

After the syscall that inputs the string, Register 3 will contain the length of the string, plus 1. The 1 accounts for the zero stored in memory at the end of the string. (Note: There is an error in the documentation, which says that the value in Register 3 does not include the zero at the end.)

To print the reverse of the string, Store the address of the end of the string in a register. (You know the starting address, and you know the length, so you can compute the ending address.) Then use a loop to print individual characters from the string in reverse order. Subtract one from the address each time through the loop, to get the memory address of the next character to be printed.

An easy way to know when to exit the loop is to also subtract one from the string length each time the loop. When that value becomes zero, you know that you have output all of the characters.

Note that to output a single character, you might think that you need to copy that character somewhere. But you can avoid that. You want to output a string of length 1. You can use a print-string syscall with the maximum string length (register 3) set equal to 1. Since the maximum length is one, the syscall will only print one character, and you do not need a zero in memory to mark the end of the string.

Exercise 9: For this exercise, start with a copy of the file ex9.s. You will write a subroutine to find the sum of a list of numbers stored in memory. And you will write a program that uses that subroutine to find the sum of two specific lists. The parameters to the subroutine should be the address of the start of the list in memory and the number of integers in the list. The return value from the subroutine should be the sum of the list. Don't forget to document the subroutine fully!

The file ex9.s already includes two lists of numbers, a list of five integers starting at memory location 256, and a list of 25 integers starting at memory location 512. Start with a copy of that file, and add your code for the program and subroutine. The program should find and print the sum of each list. The output when the program is run should be exactly as follows:

Sum of the first list: 17
Sum of the second list: 3253

Using a Stack

This section is not part of the lab. It is just some extra information and examples that you can read later, if you are interested. This material is fairly complicated, and it will take us some time to cover it when we get to it in class, so don't worry about skipping it for now. We will return to this topic later in the term, using a different assembly language. The examples are factorial.s and fibonacci.s, which use recursive subroutines.

A more realistic implementation of subroutines has to take several things into account. First, a subroutine can call another subroutine, which can call another, and so on. In general, then, there is not just one return address to keep track of — there could be some arbitrary number. So it's not enough to use a single register for storing return addresses.

Second, it is possible that we might want to pass more parameter data to a subroutine than will fit in available registers.

And third, registers are a scarce resource, and a subroutine that uses a register for scratch work or to store a local variable might be replacing values that some other routine has saved in that register for later use. In general, there is a convention that certain registers are always available for scratch work, while other registers are "saved registers". If a subroutine wants to use a saved register, it must first save the value in that register, and it must restore that value before returning.

In order to solve all of these problems, some data will have to be stored in main memory instead of in registers. The solution is to reserve a part of memory for use as a stack. A stack is a data structure that can grow and shrink. The staring point, or bottom, of the stack is at some fixed point in memory. The stack grows upwards, in the direction of decreasing addresses. The top of the stack changes as the stack grows and shrinks. A specific register, which is called the stack pointer, is dedicated to keeping track of the address of the top of the stack. For my examples, the stack pointer is register 15.

The memory occupied by the stack grows and shrinks as subroutines are called and return. When a subroutine is called, the stack pointer is decreased to make room on the top of the stack for the memory space that is needed by the subroutine; that memory is called the activation record for that subroutine call. The activation record can for example hold the return address, local variables, and copies of values from saved registers. When the subroutine returns, the value of the stack pointer is increased to restore the value that it had before the subroutine was called. This effectively discards the activation record.

Exactly who is responsible for managing the activation record — creating it, deleting it, and copying data to and from it — depends on the subroutine calling convention that is being used. In my examples, the calling convention is that the subroutine is responsible for everything, but in other conventions, the caller of the subroutine might also be involved. Note that a simple subroutine that does not call other subroutines might not even need an activation record. My calling convention goes like this, for a subroutine that does use an activation record:

  1. The caller loads parameter values into registers (as specified by the subroutine documentation).
  2. The caller uses jalr to jump to the subroutine, with return address saved in register 14.
  3. The subroutine subtracts R from register 15, where R is the size of the activation record needed by the subroutine.
  4. The subroutine copies the return address from register 14 into the activation record.
  5. The subroutine runs, possibly using other space in the activation record for local variables, etc.
  6. The subroutine stores the return value (if there is one) in register 1.
  7. The subroutine copies the return address from the activation record to register 14.
  8. The subroutine adds R to register 15, restoring the value of the stack pointer and deleting the activation record.
  9. The subroutine jumps unconditionally to the return address in register 14.

The sample program factorial.s computes factorial(6) using a recursive factorial function. Factorial(N) is equal to 1 if N is 0, and is N*factorial(N-1) for N>0. When the factorial subroutine is called with a non-zero parameter, N, it saves N and the return address in an activation record. Note that N has to be saved because N will have a different value in the recursive call to the subroutine, and the original value of N will be needed after that subroutine call returns.

The sample program fibonacci.s computes fibonacci(5) using a recursive subroutine. Fibonacci(N) is defined to be 1 if N is 0 or 1, and is fibonacci(N-1) + fibonacci(N-2) for N>1. The fibonacci subroutine uses an activation record of size 3 to hold the return address, the value of N-1, and the value of fibonacci(N-1). It needs to save N-1 while computing the value of fibonacci(N-1), and it needs to save fibonacci(N-1) while computing the value of fibonacci(N-2).

These examples demonstrate how and why to use a stack of activation records. (However, they are not really good examples of recursion, since there are more efficient, non-recursive methods for computing factorial(N) and fibonacci(N). In fact, the recursive version of fibonacci(N) is really ridiculously inefficient.)

One note about Larc machine language and the stack. The memory instructions, lw and sw, have an optional third parameter. That parameter is a four-bit signed integer, representing a number in the range −8 to 7. It represents an offset that is added to the memory address specified in the instruction. For example,

lw $1 $15 3

loads a value from the memory location whose address is given by the number in register 15 plus 3. This can be very useful for accessing specific values that are stored in an activation record on the top of the stack. The stack pointer, $15, is the address of the first item in the activation record. That item can be read into register 1 using lw $1 $15 or lw $1 $15 0. The second item can be loaded using lw $1 $15 1, the third with lw $1 $15 2, and so on. Note that without the extra offset, you would have to modify the value in $15 to access items in the activation record. As an example, the sample program factorial.s creates an activation record and stores values in it as follows:

# Add an activation record containing N and return address to the stack.

li $2 2           # size of the activation record
sub $15 $15 $2    # makes space on the stack for the activation record
sw $1 $15 0       # store N at offset 0 from the top of the stack
sw $14 $15 1      # store return address at offset 1