The first test will be given in class on Wednesday, February 18. The test will have both conceptual, essay-type questions and coding questions involving HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Some questions will involve manipulating the DOM and using timers.
web browsers and web servers client-side vs. server-side programming cookies and why they are necessary separating content, presentation, and control (programming) HTML for content; CSS for presentation; JavaScript for programming the Document Object Model how the DOM represents an HTML document how manipulating the DOM can affect the displayed web page
the basic structure of an HTML document the purpose of the "<!DOCTYPE ..." declaration at the start of an HTML document tags, elements, and attributes block-displayed elements vs. in-line elements what is the purpose of the <div> and <span> tags? the class, id, and style attribute specific tags you should be able to use: <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <p>, <ul>, <li>, <style type="text/css">, <script type="text/javascript"> <div>, <span> other tags you should be able to understand (and use if you have a reference): <img src="...">, <a href="...">, <br>, <hr> <script type="text/javascript" src="..."> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="..."> <input type="button" value="Click Me!" onclick="..."> <table>, <tr>, <td>
CSS selectors and CSS properties three places to use CSS: in-line style attributes the <style> element style sheets in CSS files CSS syntax for style elements and style sheets: selector { property: value; ... } selectors you should be able to use: simple selectors, such as: "h1" or "p" id selectors, such as "#content" or "#intro" class selectors, such as ".quotation" or "div.centered" nested selectors, such as "p b" or "#content p" or "ul.prizelist li" properties you should be able to use: color -- with color values such as: red, blue, rgb(100,100,255) background-color display -- with values: none, block, inline position -- with values: static, relative, absolute left and top -- with values such as 1cm, 30px, 20% width and height margin-left, etc. padding-left, etc. other properties you should be able to understand (and use, with a reference) background-image -- with values such as: url(meandfred.jpg) font-family -- with values such as: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif font-weight -- with values such as: bold, normal font-size -- with values such as: 80%, 12px text-align -- with values: right, center, none text-indent -- with values such as: 1cm, 7em max-width, max-height -- with values such as: 80%, 600px border -- with a value such as: thick solid red list-style-type -- with values: none, disk, decimal, lower-roman...
JavaScript control structures such as if, for, while (basically same as Java) JavaScript operators and expressions (basically same as Java) JavaScript variables are untyped JavaScript does automatic type conversion, such as string "57" to number 57 declaring variables with var Strings in JavaScript, and using the "+" operator with strings objects in JavaScript object literals such as {} or { x: 3; y: 4} adding new properties to objects just by assigning them values: pt.z = 17; arrays in JavaScript array literals such as [] or [ 1, 2, 3 ] or [ "fred", 27.83, true ] defining and using functions functions can take variable numbers of arguments function literals such as: function(x) { return x*x } using functions as data (e.g. passing them as parameters, storing them in arrays) JavaScript has no classes using constructors to create objects, as in: new Date(2009,1,18) constructor functions; using this in the definition of a constructor function e.g.: function Point(a,b) { this.x = a; this.y = b; } methods (object properties that are functions) the prototype object of an object adding methods to a class by assigning functions to the constructor's prototype, e.g.: Point.prototype.norm = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y) };
document.write(...) -- and when it can be used alert(message) document.getElementById("xxx") assigning a new value to the innerHTML property of an element node adding new content to an element node with element.appendChild(newNode) the style property of an element, and how to use it to modify styles, e.g.: document.getElementById("xxx").style.fontWeight = "bold"; = "100px"; setTimout(function,milliseconds) setInterval(function,milliseconds) how setInterval can be used to do animation how clearInterval can be used to stop an animation