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String Literals

String literals begin with a double quote mark '"' which is followed by up to 256 printable ASCII characters and are terminated by another double quote mark. The following are all valid string literals:

"Here" "There" "myfile.gif" ""

Note if you need to specify a quote mark in a string literal you must precede it with a backslash. For example

"Joe said \"Hello\" as he walked in."

is converted to

Joe said "Hello" as he walked in.

If you need to specify a backslash, most of the time you need do nothing special. However if the string ends in a backslash, you will have to specify two. For example:

"This is a backslash \ and so is this\\"

Is converted to:

This is a backslash \ and so is this\

The substitution of \" with a " occurs in all POV-Ray string literals regardless usage however other formatting codes such as \n for new line are only supported in user message streams. See "Text Formatting" for details.

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