CPSC 324, Spring 2004
Final Project

AS YOU KNOW, the final project for this course is due at the scheduled final exam period: Monday morning, May 10. This project counts for 17% of your final grade. The project should be a substantial effort, and you should start planning it as soon as possible.

In addition to the final project, you will receive a final grade on your Web portfolio. This overall evaluation of your Web portfolio counts for 8% of your total course grade. As stated in the class handout, the grading will be simple: If you have fulfilled the basic requirements, you get 6 points. Extra effort or particularly nice appearance will get you a 7 or 8. If material is missing or obviously sub-standard, you will get less than 6 points.

Here are some ideas for a final project (most of them repeated from the class handout). You are not limited to choosing one of these topics:

The final project is an individual assignment. You are responsible for choosing your own topic, in consultation with me. Two weeks before the last day of class, on Monday, April 19, you should turn in a description of your project. The description must include some detail. I suggest that you meet with me to discuss your ideas one or more times before the outline is due. This outline will be graded for 10 homework points. This outline should include:

David Eck, March 2004