CPSC 441, Networking, Fall 2004
Lab 8: Routing

THIS LAB will be a little different, since it is a project that the entire class will work on together. For this lab, the class will reconfigure all the computers in Eaton 116 into a small "internet" consisting of three networks connected by routers. (The routers will actually be Linux computers.) The routers themselves will be on a fourth network that allows the routers to communicate among themselves. There will be one router for each network plus one additional router to connect the whole internet to the Internet. Everyone who works on the project will receive 8 points for attempting or 10 points for completing the project.

At the beginning of the class period, you should spend a bit of time designing the network. Choose a network number for each network, and choose IP addresses for the computers. Decide how you will physically connect all the computers and switches. Think about what configuration changes you will have to make in the computers.

I suggest that you turn off the NIS and NFS clients on your client computers. You can do this most easily with the commands "rcnfs stop" and "rcypbind stop". That way, you won't have to bother reconfiguring them to work on the new networks. You will have to reconfigure the network interfaces on the clients to make them work with the new networks.

The computers that are serving as routers will need routing tables appropriate for the network setup. You can configure this in the network card settings of YaST. You will have to do advanced routing setup to add the correct entries to the routing table. Also, check the option "Enable IP Forwarding."

You will want to shut down IP masquerading on the routers (except on the one that connects your internet to the HWS LAN). This can be done most easily with the command "iptables -F".

We will try to get a network working by the end of class. If that doesn't happen, we will discuss options for continuing the work later.