CPSC 441, Fall 2004
About MPI

MPI is simply a specification of a set of functions, and there are many different implementations of the specification. We will be using one called MPICH. In fact, MPICH comes in several varieties that can be used on different types of multicomputers. The variety that we will use is referred to as chp4mpd. It is suitable for a network of workstations. "MPD" refers to a "multiprocessing daemon" that runs on each workstation. These MPDs make the workstations into a "virtual machine" that can run MPI programs. When you run an MPI program under MPICH-chp4mpd, requests are sent to MPD daemons to start up copies of the program. Once a copy of the program has been started, it can use MPI to communicate with other copies of the same program running in the virtual machine.

The web site http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/ has a lot of information about MPI and MPICH including documentation about MPI functions, the official MPI standard, and a manual for mpich-chp4mpd,

Using MPICH with MPD: One-time Setup

To make it easier to use MPICH, you should do some one-time setup in your account. All the programs that you need to use MPICH are in the directory /opt/mpich/ch-p4mpd/bin. For ease of use, this directory should be added to your PATH. You want this to be done automatically, so you should add the line:

         export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mpich/ch-p4mpd/bin

to the end of the .bashrc file in your home directory. (This will take effect in new command-line windows.) For security, mpd requires that you create a "password file" in your home directory. (You really need this file in the home directory of every machine where you plan to run mpd, but your same home directory is shared to all the computers in the lab.) The password file should be named .mpd.conf (note the initial period!), and it should contain one line that reads password=xxxxxxx with "xxxxxxx" replaced by the password that you want to use. Finally, you must change the permissions on this file with the command

         chmod 600 .mpd.conf

This setup of the path and the password file only needs to be done once.

Using MPICH with MPD: Startup and Running Programs

Using MPICH with MPD involves starting up an mpd daemon on each computer that you want to use as part of your virtual machine. This can be a pain. To make it easy, you can use the script


If you run this script with no arguments, it will start an mpd on each of the 12 workstations in the lab. (If for some reason you want to use fewer computers, you can list the numbers of the computers on which you want to start the daemons as arguments to the script. However, the machine that you are working on will always get an mpd, whether you list it or not. For example, "start_mpd.sh 2 5 10 7" will create a virtual machine containing cslab2, cslab5, cslab10, cslab7, and (if it is not one of those four machines) the computer you are working on.)

If you start a virtual machine, you should always remember to shut it down before you log out. You do this with the command


Once you have the virtual machine up and running, you can use it to execute MPI programs. An MPI program cannot simply be run from the command line. (If you do try to run it this way, it will simply hang while trying to initialize MPI.) You have to run it using the mpirun command. This command takes the form "mpirun -np <count> <program_name>". Here, <program_name> is the name of the program to run and <count> is the number of copies of the program that will be run. Most often, <count> is the number of computers in the virtual machine, but it does not have to be. If <count> is smaller than the number of computers, only some of them will be used. If <count> is greater than the number of computers, some of them will have more than one process. For example, if you want to run a program named hello_mpi on 12 processes, use

            mpirun -np 12 hello_mpi

It's possible to add command-line arguments for the program. When you do this, each copy of the program gets a copy of the command-line arguments. You can access them in the usual way, using the parameters argcand argv to the main() routine, but you should only do this after calling MPI_Init(argc,argv), since MPI does do some funny things with the command-line. For example, if you want to run a multiprocessing program named primes1 that can take an integer as a command-line argument, you can run it with a command like:

          mpirun -np 12 primes1 10000000

That's basically all you need to know to run programs with MPICH. When you write your own programs, however, you also need to know how to compile them. MPICH includes a couple of scripts to make this easy. Use mpicc to compile a C program, and use mpiCC to compile a C++ program. These commands are used similarly to the usual gcc and g++ commands. For example, if you want to compile a MPI program named hello_mpi.cc written in C++, use:

         mpiCC -o hello_mpi hello_mpi.cc

The -o option specifies the name of the compiled program. As usual, if you leave out the -o option, the compiled program will be named a.out.

MPI Commands

We will use only a small subset of all the available MPI commands in this course. However, this subset has enough power to write a full range of message-passing, parallel-processing programs.

The four most basic commands are MPI_Init, MPI_Finalize, MPI_Comm_size and MPI_Comm_rank. These commands are not covered here, but they are illustrated in the sample program hello_mpi.cc. They are used in basically the same way in almost every program.

Most MPI functions return an error code as the return value. However, the default behavior is for the MPI system itself to abort the program when an error occurs, so that you never see the error code. We will not use error codes in any of our programs. (It's possible to change the default behavior so that errors are reported instead of causing program termination, but we won't worry about that.)

The rest of this page contains information about other commands that you should know about. There are two classes of commands: those related to point-to-point communication between two processes (MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, and MPI_Iprobe) and those related to collective communications that involve all processes (MPI_Barrier, MPI_Bcast, MPI_Reduce, MPI_Gather, MPI_Allgather, and MPI_Scatter). Finally, there are two miscellaneous functions, MPI_Wtime and MPI_Abort.

     int MPI_Send(
           void*        message,          // Pointer to data to send
           int          count,            // Number of data values to send
           MPI_Datatype datatype,         // Type of data (e.g. MPI_INT)
           int          destination_rank, // Rank of process to receive message
           int          tag,              // Identifies message type
           MPI_Comm     comm              // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD
Explanation: Sends a message from the process that executes this command to another process. The receiver is specified by giving the destination_rank. (Recall that each process has a number between zero and process_count minus one.) The message consists of one or more items, all of which must be of the same type. The type of data is specified in the datatype parameter, which must be a constant such as MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE, or MPI_CHAR. (You will probably use either MPI_INT or MPI_DOUBLE.) The data type specified should match the actual type of the message parameter.

The actual data is referenced by the message parameter, which must be a pointer to the start of the data. If the data is a single value stored in a variable named data, for example, pass the address of the variable, &data. If the data consists of several values in an array named data_array, just pass the array name (with no "&" operator) -- remember that an array in C/C++ is already a pointer.

The tag is a non-negative integer that you make up and use in your program to identify each different type of message that you might want to send. The tag allows the recipient to differentiate between different types of messages, so they can be processed differently. You can use any value you like. If you just have one type of message, the value of tag is irrelevant.

On the system that we are using, MPI_Send just drops the message into an outgoing message queue and returns immediately. The message is actually delivered by a separate process. On other systems, however, MPI_Send might block and fail to return until the message is actually sent. (This is unfortunate because it means that a program that works on one system might fail on another. MPI has many more specialized send functions that give more control.)

The last parameter to MPI_Send is of type MPI_Comm. This is a "communicator," which identifies some particular defined group of processes. MPI_COMM_WORLD is an MPI constant that represents the group that contains every process in the virtual machine. We will not work with other groups, so you should always specify MPI_COMM_WORLD as the value of a parameter of type MPI_Comm. Almost every MPI function has such a parameter; I will not mention them again.

The return value of the function is a error code, which we will always ignore, as discussed above.

     int count;
     double results[5];
        .  // Compute values for count and for the results array
     MPI_Send( &count, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
           // send 1 int to process 0 with identification tag 1
     MPI_Send( results, 5, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
           // Now send 5 doubles to process 0 with ID tag 2 --
           // the different tag indicates a different type of message.

     int MPI_Recv(
           void*        message,     // Points to location in memory where
                                     //     received message is to be stored.
           int          count,       // MAX number of data values to accept 
           MPI_Datatype datatype     // Type of data (e.g. MPI_INT)  
           int          source_rank, // Rank of process to receive from
                                     //    (Use MPI_ANY_SOURCE to accept
                                     //     from any sender)
           int          tag,         // Type of message to receive
                                     //    (Use MPI_ANY_TAG to accept any type)
           MPI_Comm     comm,        // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD
           MPI_Status*  status       // To receive info about the message
Explanation: Receive a message sent by another process using MPI_Send (or certain other send functions that aren't covered here). This function will block until a message arrives. When it returns, the message that was received has been placed in the memory specified by the message parameter. This parameter will ordinarily be specified as an array name or as &data where data is a simple variable.

The count specifies the maximum number of data values that can be accepted. It should be 1 for a simple variable; for an array, it can be as large as the array size. The actual number of values received can be fewer than count. Usually, you know how many values you will get. If not, there a function, MPI_Get_count, that can be used to find out the actual number received.

If source_rank is MPI_ANY_SOURCE, this function will accept a message from any other process. If source_rank is a process number, then it will only accept a message from that process. (If there are messages waiting from other processes, they will be ignored -- they are not errors; the will just wait in the incoming message queue and they can be read later with other calls to MPI_Recv.) If tag is MPI_ANY_TAG, than any message will be accepted from the specified source. Otherwise, only a message with a matching tag will be accepted. (A message's tag is specified by the sending process in the MPI_Send command; see above.)

The status parameter is a struct that is filled with information about the message when it is received. Usually, you will declare a variable named status of type MPI_Status and pass its address, &status, to the function. After the function returns, status.MPI_SOURCE contains the number of the process that sent the message, and status.MPI_TAG contains the message's tag. You might need this information if you used MPI_ANY_SOURCE or MPI_ANY_TAG.

     int count_received;
     double results_received[5];
     int stuff[100;
     MPI_status status;
     MPI_Recv( &count_received, 1, MPI_INT, 17, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
           // Receive 1 int from process 17 in a message with tag 1
     MPI_Recv( results_received, 5, MPI_DOUBLE, 17, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
           // Receive 5 doubles from process 17 in a message with tag 2
     MPI_Recv( stuff, 100, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
           // Receive up to 100 ints from any source in a message with any tag;
           // status.MPI_SOURCE is the message source and status.MPI_TAG is its tag

     int MPI_Iprobe(
           int          source_rank, // Rank of process to receive from
                                     //    (Use MPI_ANY_SOURCE to accept
                                     //     from any sender)
           int          tag,         // Type of message to receive
                                     //    (Use MPI_ANY_TAG to accept any type)
           MPI_Comm     comm,        // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD
           int*         flag,        // Tells if a message is available
           MPI_Status*  status       // To receive info about the message
Explanation: This function allows you to check whether a message is available, without blocking to wait for that message. The function returns immediately (which is what the "I" in the name stands for). If a message that matches source_rank and tag is available, the value of flag is set to true. In this case, you can call MPI_Recv to receive the message, and you can be sure that it won't block. If no such message is available at the current time, the value of flag is set to false. If a message is available, the status parameter is filled with information about the message in exactly the same way that it would be in the MPI_Recv function. The actual flag parameter in the function call will almost certainly be of the form &test were test is a variable of type int.
    MPI_Status status;
    int flag;
    MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &flag, &status );
    if (flag) {
        // Receive message with MPI_Recv and do something with it.
    else {
        // Do other work.

     int MPI_Barrier(
           MPI_Comm   comm    // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD
Explanation: This is the simplest collective communication function. In a collective communication, every process must call the function. Otherwise, an error occurs. For example, the program might hang, waiting forever for one of the processes to call the function.

When a function calls MPI_Barrier, it will simply wait until every other process has also called the same function. At that time, all the processes start running again. The point of this function is simply to synchronize the processes by bringing them all to a certain point in the program before allowing them to continue. In practice, you will probably not use this function, since the other collective communication functions do the same sort of synchronization implicitly.

     int MPI_Bcast(
           void*        message,   // Pointer to location of data
           int          count,     // Number of data values to broadcast
           MPI_Datatype datatype,  // Type of data (e.g. MPI_INT)
           int          root,      // Process that originally has the data
           MPI_Comm     comm       // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD
Explanation: Broadcasts a message from one "root" process to every other process. Every process -- both the sender and all the receivers -- must call this function, or an error occurs. The rank of the process that originally has the data is specified in the root parameter. In this process, the message parameter specifies the data to be sent (as in an MPI_Send command). In every other process, the message parameter specifies where the incoming message is to be stored. Note that although all processes call the same function, the meaning is different for the sender than it is for the receivers.

As usual, the first parameter will ordinarily be either the name of an array or the address (&data) of a simple variable. The datatype parameter should match the actual type of the message parameter. The count should be the actual number of data values to be broadcast -- 1 for a simple variable or anything up to the array size for an array.

     int initialdata[20];
     if (my_rand == 0) {
         // Fill the initialdata array with some data.
         // Only process 0 does this.
     MPI_Bcast( initialdata, 20, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        // Now, every process has the same data in its initialdata array.

     int MPI_Reduce(
           void*        value,      // Input value from this process
           void*        answer,     // Result -- on root process only
           int          count,      // Number of values -- usually 1
           MPI_Datatype datatype,   // Type of data (e.g. MPI_INT)         
           MPI_Op       operation,  // What to do (e.g. MPI_SUM)           
           int          root,       // Process that receives the answer    
           MPI_Comm     comm        // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD                  
Explanation: This function is used when each process has a data value, and it is necessary to combine the values form different process in some way, such as adding them all up or finding the minimum. Every process must call this function. Each function passes its own input value as the first parameter. The answer is computed and is placed in the answer parameter on only one process. The process that is to receive the final answer is called the root and is specified in the root parameter. For other processes, the value of the answer parameter after the function is called is undefined (but they still have to specify the parameter). As usual, the first and second parameters can be either array names or addresses of simple variables.

The datatype parameter specifies the type of data to be operated on. The operation parameter specifies how the individual values are to be combined. Possible operations include: MPI_SUM, MPI_PROD, MPI_MIN, MPI_MAX, and others.

The count parameter specifies the number of values on each process. If count is greater than 1, then the first two parameters should be arrays, and the operation is done on each array location separately.

Note that every process must call this function, or an error occurs.

     double my_total;      // value computed by each process
     double overall_total; // total of values from all the processes
        .  // Compute a value for my_total
     MPI_Reduce( &my_total, &overall_total, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
     if ( my_rank == 0 ) {
           // Only process 0 knows the overall answer!
        cout << "The final result  is " << overall_total << endl;

     int MPI_Gather(
           void*        sendbuffer, // Contains data values to send
           int          sendcount,  // Number of values sent from each process --
                                    //    explanation below assumes sendcount is 1
           MPI_Datatype sendtype,   // Type of data (e.g. MPI_INT)         
           void*        recvbuffer, // Collected data stored here -- on root only
           int          recvcount,  // Use same value as sendcount
           MPI_Datatype recvtype,   // Use same value as sendtype        
           int          root,       // Process that receives the answer    
           MPI_Comm     comm        // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD                  
Explanation: This function is used when each process has a data value, and it is necessary to collect all the data values from the various processes and combine them into an array on one process. The process where the data is gathered is called the root and is specified by the root parameter. Before this function is executed, each process -- including the root -- has one data value, which is stored in sendbuffer. The sendbuffer will usually be specified as the address of a simple variable. The recvbuffer must be specified by each process, but it is only used in the root process. It should be an array whose length is at least equal to the total number of processes. After the function returns, the array will contain the data from all the processes, with the value from process 0 in position 0, the value from process 1 in position 1, and so on.

(If sendcount is greater than 1, then sendbuffer should be an array of size sendcount. All the values from the arrays on all the processes are then collected and stored in the recvbuffer, which must be large enough to hold all the data.)

Note that every process must call this function, or an error occurs.

     int my_data;    // Data value computed by this process
     int all_data[process_count];  // Data from all processes
        . Generate a value for my_data
     MPI_Gather( &my_data, 1, MPI_INT, all_data, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        // Now process 0 has all the data in its all_data array.

     int MPI_Allgather(
           void*        sendbuffer, // Contains data values to send
           int          sendcount,  // Number of values sent from each process --
                                    //    explanation below assumes sendcount is 1
           MPI_Datatype sendtype,   // Type of data (e.g. MPI_INT)         
           void*        recvbuffer, // Collected data stored here on root only
           int          recvcount,  // Use same value as sendcount
           MPI_Datatype recvtype,   // Use same value as sendtype        
           MPI_Comm     comm        // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD                  
Explanation: Does the same thing as MPI_Gather, except that the combined data is distributed to all processes. That is, after MPI_Allgather executes, the recvbuffer on every process contains the complete set of data from all the processes.

     int MPI_Scatter(
           void*        sendbuffer, // An array of data values to send -- on root only
           int          sendcount,  // Number of values sent to each process --
                                    //    explanation below assumes sendcount is 1
           MPI_Datatype sendtype,   // Type of data (e.g. MPI_INT)         
           void*        recvbuffer, // Location to receive data value on each process
           int          recvcount,  // Use same value as sendcount
           MPI_Datatype recvtype,   // Use same value as sendtype        
           int          root,       // Process that receives the answer    
           MPI_Comm     comm        // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD                  
Explanation: This function is an inverse to MPI_Gather. It takes an array of data values on the root process and distributes on value from the array to each process. The size of the array should be equal to the number of processes. Note that the sendcount parameter is the number of data values to send to each process, which I am assuming is 1. (If it is more than one, then a block of data values is sent to each process.)

     double MPI_Wtime()        // No parameters
Explanation: This function allows you to time activities in a single process. It's not a communication function -- it just works on the single process where it is called. It gives the number of seconds that have elapsed since some reference time in the past. Note that it gives elapsed time, not compute time. (The elapsed time is called the "wall time," hence the "W" in the name of the function.)
     double start_time = MPI_Wtime();
       .  // do some work
     double elapsed_time = MPI_Wtime() - start_time;

     int MPI_Abort(
           MPI_Comm  comm,       // Use MPI_COMM_WORLD
           int       error_code  // Use 1
Explanation: If you encounter an error or some other condition that makes you want to shut down your entire program, you can call MPI_Abort to do so. It is not sufficient to call the usual exit() function, since that will only abort the one process on which it is executed, and it will do so without issuing the required call to MPI_Finalize. MPI_Abort, on the other hand, will properly shut down all the processes. The error_code is returned to the environment just as the parameter of exit() would be. In practice, you will probably not need to use this function.
     MPI_Abort( MPI_Comm_World, 1 );

David Eck