T. Alden Gassert
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Contact information:
Lederle Graduate Research Tower
710 N. Pleasant St.
Amherst, MA 01003
Office: 1423D

Fall 2013

Multivariate calculus (UMass Math 233)

Text: Stewart's Calculus: Early Transcentdentals (7th ed.) Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2012.


Class notes

12.4 - Cross product
12.5 - Equations of lines and planes
12.6 - Cylinders and quadric surfaces
13.1 - Vector functions and space curves
13.2 - Derivatives and integrals of vector functions
13.3 - Arc length and curvature
13.4 - Motion in space
14.1 - Functions of several variables
14.2 - Limits
14.3 - Partial derivatives
14.4 - Tangent planes
14.5 - Chain rule
14.6 - Directional derivative
14.7 - Maxima and minima
14.8 - Lagrange multipliers
15.1 - Multiple integrals
15.2 - Multiple integrals
15.3 - Double integrals over general regions
15.4 - Double integrals in polar coordinates
15.5 - Probability
16.1 - Vector fields
16.2 - Line integrals
16.3 - Fundamental theorem of line integrals
16.4 - Green's theorem

Take-home 1 solutions
Take-nome 2 solutions

Quiz 1 solutions
Quiz 2 solutions
Quiz 3 solutions
Quiz 4 solutions
Quiz 5 solutions
Quiz 6 solutions
Quiz 7 solutions

Last updated November 26, 2013