Material Properites Demo
Model: Material Presets: Shininess: |
Diffuse Color: |
Specular Color: |
Model: Material Presets: Shininess: |
Diffuse Color: |
Specular Color: |
This demo lets you control three material properties: diffuse color, specular color, and shininess. You can choose various objects on which to view the material. You can rotate the objects with your mouse. You can select preset material settings that are supposed to imitate various real materials such as bronze and red plastic. (You can judge for yourself how much these materials look like the real thing.)
The lighting for this demo is a single light that shines directly into the screen. The light is a white light with both diffuse and specular components. (In terms of light properties that haven't been covered yet, the light has diffuse intensity [1,1,1] and specular intensity [0.4,0.4,0.4], and there is no ambient light.) You have no control over the lighting.
Some things to try: