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Solution for Programming Exercise 13.1

This page contains a sample solution to one of the exercises from Introduction to Programming Using Java.

Exercise 13.1:

The sample program PaintWithOffScreenCanvas.java from Section 13.1 is a simple paint program. Make two improvements to this program: First, add a "File" menu that lets the user open an image file and save the current image in either PNG or JPEG format. Second, add a basic one-level "Undo" command that lets the user undo the most recent operation that was applied to the image. (Do not try to make a multilevel Undo, which would allow the user to undo several operations.)

When you read a file into the program, you should copy the image that you read into the program's off-screen canvas. Since the canvas in the program has a fixed size, you should scale the image that you read so that it exactly fills the canvas.


The new menu commands must be added to the menu bar in the getMenuBar() method, and they must be implemented in the actionPerformed() method inside the nested class MenuHandler. I won't discuss any further how to do this. See Subsection 6.7.1 for a discussion of menus and menubars. I used two "Save" commands in the "File" menu, "Save PNG File" and "Save JPEG File", for saving the image in the two possible formats. Since there didn't seem to be a good place in the existing menus for an "Undo" command, I added an "Edit" menu and put the "Undo" command there. I also moved the "Fill With Color" command from the "Color" menu to the "Edit" menu (so that the "Undo" command would not be so lonely). Finally, I also added a "Quit" command to the "File" menu since most users would probably look for it there.

The "File" commands are easy to implement. A method for saving a BufferedImage to a file is given at the end of Section 13.1. That doSaveFile() method can be used almost directly. The doSaveFile() method has a parameter, format, that specifies the image format for the file. When the user selects the "Save PNG File" command, I call doSaveFile("PNG"); when the user selects "Save JPEG File", I call doSaveFile("JPEG").

Subsection 13.1.5 does not give a complete method for reading an image from a user-selected file, but it does describe the ImageIO.read() method, which can be used to read the image after the file has been selected. The outline for a general file input routine, readFile(), can be found in Subsection 11.2.3; we just have to add the code for reading an image from a selected file. I chose to use the version of ImageIO.read() that takes an InputStream as a parameter.

The input stream is a FileInputStream that is created to read from the file selected by the user, using:

stream = new FileInputStream(selectedFile);

A BufferedImage is then created by reading from the stream with ImageIO.read(stream). If the selected file is not an image file, then the return value of this method is null:

BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(stream);
if (image == null)
   throw new Exception("File does not contain a recognized image format.");

Finally, if there is no error, the image is copied onto the program's off-screen canvas, OSC:

Graphics g = OSC.createGraphics();
repaint(); // Repaint the panel to show the new image

The version of g.drawImage() that is used here specifies the height and width of the rectangle in which the image is to be drawn. OSC.getWidth() and OSC.getHeight() are used as the width and height to specify that the image should exactly fill the entire off-screen canvas. For the complete doOpenFile() method, look near the end of the solution that is given below.

For the "Undo" command, we need to keep an extra copy of the image, and we need an extra off-screen canvas for this. I use a BufferedImage named imageSavedForUndo. This buffered image is created at the same time as the main off-screen canvas, OSC, and is the same size. Just before performing any operation that will change the image, a copy of the current image is copied from OSC to imageSavedForUndo. Since this will have to be done at several points in the program, I wrote a little routine to do it:

private void saveUndoImage() {
   Graphics g = imageSavedForUndo.createGraphics();

This method is called in the mousePressed() routine to save a copy of the image before it is modified by the user's mouse action; this allows the program to undo basic drawing operations. It is called in the actionPerformed() method just before carrying out the "Fill With Color" command; this makes it possible to restore the image that is about to be erased with the fill command. And it is called in the doOpenFile() command before writing the image from the file to OSC; this makes it possible to restore the previous image.

To implement the "Undo" command itself, we could just copy the image from imageSavedForUndo into OSC. However, think about the question of what happens when a second "Undo" command is given just after an "Undo" command. What should the second "Undo" do? If an "Undo" command just copies imageSavedForUndo to OSC, then the second "Undo" will have no visible effect, since it will just copy the same image as the first "Undo". A better alternative would be to make the second "Undo" command "undo the undo." That is, the second "Undo" acts as a "Redo" that restores the image to state that it was in before the first "Undo". We can implement this by swapping the images in OSC and imageSavedForUndo in response to an "Undo" command, instead of simply copying the image from OSC to imageSavedForUndo. That way, we keep both images around, and a second swap operation will restore both images to the state they were in before the first swap. To swap the images, we just have to swap the values of the variables OSC and imageSavedForUndo. So, the code that implements the "Undo" command is:

BufferedImage temp = OSC;
OSC = imageSavedForUndo;
imageSavedForUndo = temp;
repaint();  // Show the new OSC on the screen.

The Solution

Significant changes from PaintWithOffScreenCanvas.java are shown in red:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * A simple paint program with File and undo commands.
 * Note that the way that the off-screen canvas is used
 * in this class requires that the panel be non-resizable; this
 * is because the size of the off-screen canvas does not change
 * when the panel changes size.
public class PaintWithFiles extends JPanel {
    * The main routine simply opens a window that shows a PaintWithFiles panel.
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      JFrame window = new JFrame("PaintWithFiles");
      PaintWithFiles content = new PaintWithFiles();
      Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
      window.setLocation( (screenSize.width - window.getWidth())/2,
            (screenSize.height - window.getHeight())/2 );
      window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
    * The possible drawing tools in this program.  (The CURVE tool allows the
    * user to sketch a free-hand curve, while the LINE tool draws a line
    * between two points.  The SMUDGE tool lets the user "spread paint around"
    * with the mouse.  The ERASE tool erases with a 10-by-10 pixel rectangle.)
    * The list of Tools that represent "shapes."  Shapes are handled differently
    * during dragging than other tools, since they are drawn "on top of" the
    * current picture during a mouse drag and are only added permanently to the
    * picture on mouse release.  The list is created in the constructor.
   private ArrayList<Tool> shapeTools;

    * The currently selected drawing tool.  Initially Tool.CURVE.  Can be
    * changed by the user with commands in the "Tool" menu.
   private Tool currentTool = Tool.CURVE;
    * The current drawing color.  Initially Color.BLACK.  Can be changed
    * by the user with the "Select Drawing Color" command in the "Color" menu.
   private Color currentColor = Color.BLACK;
    * The background color that is used to fill the off-screen canvas when
    * it is created.  If the user selects the "Fill With Color", the fill
    * color changes, and the canvas is filled with the new fill color,
    * erasing whatever was there before.
   private Color fillColor = Color.WHITE;

    * The off-screen canvas.  This is not created until the first time
    * paintComponent() is called.  If the size of the component changes,
    * a new OSC is created (and the picture in the old one is lost).
   private BufferedImage OSC;

    * This is set to true when the user is dragging the mouse.
   private boolean dragging;
    * The start position of the mouse during a mouse drag.
   private int startX, startY;
    * The current position of the mouse during a mouse drag.
   private int currentX, currentY;
    * File dialog for implementing the File menu commands.
   private JFileChooser fileDialog;

    * An extra copy of the image that is used for the Undo command.
    * Before any change is made to the image, the image is copied
    * to this variable.  The Undo command swaps the saved image 
    * with the image that is shown on screen.  (Thus, a second Undo
    * will effectively act as a Redo.)
   private BufferedImage imageSavedForUndo;
    * The constructor sets the preferred size of the panel to
    * 640-by-480.  It also sets up a mouse listener.
   public PaintWithFiles() {
      setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640,480));
      MouseHandler mouseHandler = new MouseHandler();
      shapeTools = new ArrayList<>();

    * The paintComponent() method copies the off-screen canvas to the screen
    * (first creating it, if necessary).  If a mouse drag is in progress,
    * then the current tool is not Tool.CURVE, then the shape that the user
    * is drawing is drawn over the off-screen canvas.  (This is to avoid
    * making the shape a permanent part of the picture until after the user
    * releases the mouse.  The effect is a "rubber band cursor" in which
    * the shape changes as the user drags the mouse, but the picture under
    * the shape is not affected.)
   public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

      /* First create the off-screen canvas, if it does not already exist. */ 

      if (OSC == null)

      /* Copy the off-screen canvas to the panel.  Since we know that the
            image is already completely available, the fourth "ImageObserver"
            parameter to g.drawImage() can be null.  Since the canvas completely
            fills the panel, there is no need to call super.paintComponent(g). */


      /* If the user is currently dragging the mouse to draw a line, oval,
            or rectangle, draw the shape on top the image from the off-screen
            canvas, using the current drawing color.  (This is not done if the
            user is drawing a curve or using the smudge tool.) */

      if (dragging && shapeTools.contains(currentTool)) {

    * This method creates the off-screen canvas and fills it with the current
    * fill color.  The image that is used to implement the Undo command is
    * also created here.
   private void createOSC() {
      OSC = new BufferedImage(getWidth(),getHeight(),BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
      imageSavedForUndo = new BufferedImage(getWidth(),getHeight(),BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
      Graphics osg = OSC.createGraphics();
    * Copies the current image into the image that is saved for the Undo
    * command.  This method is called before any change is made to the image.
   private void saveUndoImage() {
      Graphics g = imageSavedForUndo.createGraphics();
    * A utility method to draw the current shape in a given graphics context.
    * It draws the correct shape for the current tool in a rectangle whose
    * corners are given by the starting position of the mouse and the current
    * position of the mouse.  This is used by paintComponent() during a
    * mouse drag.  It is also used to make the shape a permanent part of the
    * off-screen canvas when the mouse is released.
    * This method is not used when the current tool is Tool.CURVE or Tool.SMUDGE.  
   private void putCurrentShape(Graphics g) {
      switch (currentTool) {
      case LINE:
         g.drawLine(startX, startY, currentX, currentY);
      case OVAL:
         putOval(g,false,startX, startY, currentX, currentY);
      case RECT:
         putRect(g,false,startX, startY, currentX, currentY);
      case FILLED_OVAL:
         putOval(g,true,startX, startY, currentX, currentY);
      case FILLED_RECT:
         putRect(g,true,startX, startY, currentX, currentY);
    * Draws a filled or unfilled rectangle with corners at the points (x1,y1)
    * and (x2,y2).  Nothing is drawn if x1 == x2 or y1 == y2.
    * @param g the graphics context where the rectangle is drawn
    * @param filled tells whether to draw a filled or unfilled rectangle.
   private void putRect(Graphics g, boolean filled, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
      if (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2)
      if (x2 < x1) {  // Swap x1,x2 if necessary to make x2 > x1.
         int temp = x1;
         x1 = x2;
         x2 = temp;
      if (y2 < y1) {  // Swap y1,y2 if necessary to make y2 > y1.
         int temp = y1;
         y1 = y2;
         y2 = temp;
      if (filled)
    * Draws a filled or unfilled oval in the rectangle with corners at the 
    * points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).  Nothing is drawn if x1 == x2 or y1 == y2.
    * @param g the graphics context where the oval is drawn
    * @param filled tells whether to draw a filled or unfilled oval.
   private void putOval(Graphics g, boolean filled, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
      if (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2)
      if (x2 < x1) {  // Swap x1,x2 if necessary to make x2 > x1.
         int temp = x1;
         x1 = x2;
         x2 = temp;
      if (y2 < y1) {  // Swap y1,y2 if necessary to make y2 > y1.
         int temp = y1;
         y1 = y2;
         y2 = temp;
      if (filled)

    * Calls the repaint() method of this panel for the rectangle with corners
    * at the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).  An extra one-pixel border is added
    * to the area that is repainted; this allows for the size of the "pen"
    * that is used to draw lines and unfilled ovals and rectangles.
   private void repaintRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
      if (x2 < x1) {  // Swap x1,x2 if necessary to make x2 >= x1.
         int temp = x1;
         x1 = x2;
         x2 = temp;
      if (y2 < y1) {  // Swap y1,y2 if necessary to make y2 >= y1.
         int temp = y1;
         y1 = y2;
         y2 = temp;
    * Creates a menu bar for use with this panel, with "File", "Edit",
    * "Color", and "Tool" menus.
   public JMenuBar getMenuBar() {
      JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
      JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
      JMenu editMenu = new JMenu("Edit");
      JMenu colorMenu = new JMenu("Color");
      JMenu toolMenu = new JMenu("Tool");
      ActionListener listener = new MenuHandler();
      JMenuItem item;
      item = new JMenuItem("Open Image File...");
      item = new JMenuItem("Save PNG File...");
      item = new JMenuItem("Save JPEG File...");
      item = new JMenuItem("Quit");
      item = new JMenuItem("Undo");
      item = new JMenuItem("Fill With Color...");
      item = new JMenuItem("Draw With White");
      item = new JMenuItem("Draw With Red");
      item = new JMenuItem("Draw With Green");
      item = new JMenuItem("Draw With Blue");
      item = new JMenuItem("Draw With Yellow");
      item = new JMenuItem("Select Drawing Color...");
      item = new JMenuItem("Curve");
      item = new JMenuItem("Line");
      item = new JMenuItem("Rectangle");
      item = new JMenuItem("Oval");
      item = new JMenuItem("Filled Rectangle");
      item = new JMenuItem("Filled Oval");
      item = new JMenuItem("Smudge");
      item = new JMenuItem("Erase");
      return menubar;
    * This nested class defines the ActionListener that responds when the
    * user selects a command from one of the menus.  It is used in the
    * getMenuBar() method.
   private class MenuHandler implements ActionListener {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
         String command = evt.getActionCommand();
         if (command.equals("Select Drawing Color...")) {
            Color newColor = JColorChooser.showDialog(PaintWithFiles.this, 
                  "Select Drawing Color", currentColor);
            if (newColor != null)
               currentColor = newColor;
         else if (command.equals("Fill With Color...")) {
            Color newColor = JColorChooser.showDialog(PaintWithFiles.this, 
                  "Select Fill Color", fillColor);
            if (newColor != null) {
               fillColor = newColor;
               Graphics osg = OSC.createGraphics();
         else if (command.equals("Draw With Black"))
            currentColor = Color.BLACK;
         else if (command.equals("Draw With White"))
            currentColor = Color.WHITE;
         else if (command.equals("Draw With Red"))
            currentColor = Color.RED;
         else if (command.equals("Draw With Green"))
            currentColor = Color.GREEN;
         else if (command.equals("Draw With Blue"))
            currentColor = Color.BLUE;
         else if (command.equals("Draw With Yellow"))
            currentColor = Color.YELLOW;
         else if (command.equals("Curve"))
            currentTool = Tool.CURVE;
         else if (command.equals("Line"))
            currentTool = Tool.LINE;
         else if (command.equals("Rectangle"))
            currentTool = Tool.RECT;
         else if (command.equals("Oval"))
            currentTool = Tool.OVAL;
         else if (command.equals("Filled Rectangle"))
            currentTool = Tool.FILLED_RECT;
         else if (command.equals("Filled Oval"))
            currentTool = Tool.FILLED_OVAL;
         else if (command.equals("Smudge"))
            currentTool = Tool.SMUDGE;
         else if (command.equals("Erase"))
            currentTool = Tool.ERASE;
         else if (command.equals("Open Image File..."))
         else if (command.equals("Save PNG File..."))
         else if (command.equals("Save JPEG File..."))
         else if (command.equals("Quit"))
         else if (command.equals("Undo")) {
            BufferedImage temp = OSC;
            OSC = imageSavedForUndo;
            imageSavedForUndo = temp;
   } // end nested class MenuHandler
    * This nested class defines the object that listens for mouse and
    * mouse motion events on the panel.  It is used in the constructor.
   private class MouseHandler implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
      int prevX, prevY;  // Previous position of mouse during a drag.
      double[][] smudgeRed, smudgeGreen, smudgeBlue;  // data for smudge tool
       * When the ERASE or SMUDGE tools are used and the mouse jumps
       * from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), the tool has to be applied to a
       * line of pixel positions between the two points in order to
       * cover the entire line that the mouse moves along.  The change
       * is made to the off-screen canvas, and repaint() is called to
       * copy the changes to the screen.
      void applyToolAlongLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
         Graphics g = OSC.createGraphics();
         g.setColor(fillColor);    // (for ERASE only)
         int w = OSC.getWidth();   // (for SMUDGE only)
         int h = OSC.getHeight();  // (for SMUDGE only)
         int dist = Math.max(Math.abs(x2-x1),Math.abs(y2-y1));
             // dist is the number of points along the line from
             // (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) at which the tool will be applied.
         double dx = (double)(x2-x1)/dist;
         double dy = (double)(y2-y1)/dist;
         for (int d = 1; d <= dist; d++) {
                // Apply the tool at one of the points (x,y) along the
                // line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
            int x = (int)Math.round(x1 + dx*d);
            int y = (int)Math.round(y1 + dy*d);
            if (currentTool == Tool.ERASE) {
                   // Erase a 10-by-10 block of pixels around (x,y)
            else { 
                  // For the SMUDGE tool, blend some of the color from
                  // the smudgeRed, smudgeGreen, and smudgeBlue arrays
                  // into the pixels in a 9-by-9 block around (x,y), and
                  // vice versa.  The effect is to smear out the color
                  // of pixels that are visited by the tool.
               for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                  for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
                     int r = y + j - 4;
                     int c = x + i - 4;
                     if (!(r < 0 || r >= h || c < 0 || c >= w || smudgeRed[i][j] == -1)) {
                        int curCol = OSC.getRGB(c,r);
                        int curRed = (curCol >> 16) & 0xFF;
                        int curGreen = (curCol >> 8) & 0xFF;
                        int curBlue = curCol & 0xFF;
                        int newRed = (int)(curRed*0.8 + smudgeRed[i][j]*0.2);
                        int newGreen = (int)(curGreen*0.8 + smudgeGreen[i][j]*0.2);
                        int newBlue = (int)(curBlue*0.8 + smudgeBlue[i][j]*0.2);
                        int newCol = newRed << 16 | newGreen << 8 | newBlue;
                        smudgeRed[i][j] = curRed*0.2 + smudgeRed[i][j]*0.8;
                        smudgeGreen[i][j] = curGreen*0.2 + smudgeGreen[i][j]*0.8;
                        smudgeBlue[i][j] = curBlue*0.2 + smudgeBlue[i][j]*0.8;

       * Start a drag operation.
      public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
         startX = prevX = currentX = evt.getX();
         startY = prevY = currentY = evt.getY();
         dragging = true;
         if (currentTool == Tool.ERASE) {
               // Erase a 10-by-10 block around the starting mouse position.
            Graphics g = OSC.createGraphics();
         else if (currentTool == Tool.SMUDGE) {
                // Record the colors in a 9-by-9 block of pixels around the
                // starting mouse position into the arrays smudgeRed, 
                // smudgeGreen, and smudgeBlue.  These arrays hold the
                // red, green, and blue components of the colors.
            if (smudgeRed == null) {
                  // Create the arrays, if they have not already been created.
               smudgeRed = new double[9][9];
               smudgeGreen = new double[9][9];
               smudgeBlue = new double[9][9];
            int w = OSC.getWidth();
            int h = OSC.getHeight();
            int x = evt.getX();
            int y = evt.getY();
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
                  int r = y + j - 4;
                  int c = x + i - 4;
                  if (r < 0 || r >= h || c < 0 || c >= w) {
                        // A -1 in the smudgeRed array indicates that the
                        // corresponding pixel was outside the canvas.
                     smudgeRed[i][j] = -1;
                  else {
                     int color = OSC.getRGB(c,r);
                     smudgeRed[i][j] = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
                     smudgeGreen[i][j] = (color >> 8) & 0xFF;
                     smudgeBlue[i][j] = color & 0xFF;
       * Continue a drag operation when the user drags the mouse.
       * For the CURVE tool, a line is drawn from the previous mouse
       * position to the current mouse position in the off-screen canvas,
       * and the repaint() method is called for a rectangle that contains
       * the line segment that was drawn.  For shape tools, the off-screen
       * canvas is not changed, but the repaint() method is called so
       * that the paintComponent() method can redraw the picture with
       * the user's shape in the new position.  For the SMUDGE and
       * ERASE tools, the tool is applied along a line from the previous
       * mouse position to the current position;
      public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
         currentX = evt.getX();
         currentY = evt.getY();
         if (currentTool == Tool.CURVE) {
            Graphics g = OSC.createGraphics();
         else if (shapeTools.contains(currentTool)) {
                 // Repaint the rectangles occupied by the previous position of
                 // the shape and by its current position.
         else {
               // Tool has to be ERASE or SMUDGE
         prevX = currentX;
         prevY = currentY;

       * Finish a mouse drag operation.  Nothing is done unless the current tool
       * is a shape tool.  For shape tools, the user's shape is drawn to the
       * off-screen canvas, making it a permanent part of the picture, and
       * then the repaint() method is called to show the modified picture
       * on the screen.
      public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
         dragging = false;
         if (shapeTools.contains(currentTool)) {
            Graphics g = OSC.createGraphics();
      public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { }
      public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }
      public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }
      public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }
   } // end nested class MenuHandler
    * Opens an image file selected by the user.  If the image is read
    * successfully, it replaces the image in the off-screen canvas.
    * (The new image is scaled to fit the canvas size exactly.)
   private void doOpenFile() {
      if (fileDialog == null)
         fileDialog = new JFileChooser();
      fileDialog.setDialogTitle("Select File to be Opened");
      fileDialog.setSelectedFile(null);  // No file is initially selected.
      int option = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(this);
      if (option != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
         return;  // User canceled or clicked the dialog's close box.
      File selectedFile = fileDialog.getSelectedFile();
      FileInputStream stream;
      try {
         stream = new FileInputStream(selectedFile);
      catch (Exception e) {
               "Sorry, but an error occurred while trying to open the file:\n" + e);
      try {
         BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(stream);
         if (image == null)
            throw new Exception("File does not contain a recognized image format.");
         Graphics g = OSC.createGraphics();
      catch (Exception e) {
               "Sorry, but an error occurred while trying to read the image:\n" + e);
    * Attempts to save the current image to a file selected by the user. 
    * @param format the format of the image, either "PNG" or "JPEG" in this program
   private void doSaveFile(String format) {
      if (fileDialog == null)
         fileDialog = new JFileChooser();
      fileDialog.setSelectedFile(new File("image." + format.toLowerCase())); 
      fileDialog.setDialogTitle("Select File to be Saved");
      int option = fileDialog.showSaveDialog(null);
      if (option != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
         return;  // User canceled or clicked the dialog's close box.
      File selectedFile = fileDialog.getSelectedFile();
      if (selectedFile.exists()) {  // Ask the user whether to replace the file.
         int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null,
               "The file \"" + selectedFile.getName()
               + "\" already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?", 
               "Confirm Save",
               JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
         if (response != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
            return;  // User does not want to replace the file.
      try {
         boolean hasFormat = ImageIO.write(OSC,format,selectedFile);
         if ( ! hasFormat )
            throw new Exception(format + " format is not available.");
      catch (Exception e) {
         System.out.println("Sorry, but an error occurred while trying to save the image.");

} // end class PaintWithFiles

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