-- set these properties outside of the event. That way they will only be set -- once each time the app is run, not once for each event. property crlf : (ASCII character 13) & (ASCII character 10) -- This is a standard header for HTML files. property http_10_header : "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" & crlf & "Server: MacHTTP" & crlf &  "MIME-Version: 1.0" & crlf & "Content-type: text/html" & crlf & crlf -- Idletime is how long you want it to remain open to -- wait for another event. Idletime is in seconds. -- Datestamp will contain the current date. Initialize it here. property idletime : 300 -- set to 5 minutes property datestamp : 0 -- this bit of code outside the sdoc event is executed at launch-time -- it is neccesary because an idle event can happen between -- launch and the receipt of an sdoc event (and in fact often does) set datestamp to current date -- This is the loop for AppleEvents received by the application. -- When you check the syntax, AppleScript will ask you to locate -- MacHTTP and will set the correct name at that time. on Çevent WWW½sdocÈ path_args  given Çclass kforÈ:http_search_args, Çclass postÈ:post_args, Çclass methÈ:method,  Çclass addrÈ:client_address, Çclass userÈ:username, Çclass passÈ:password, Çclass frmuÈ:from_user,  Çclass svnmÈ:server_name, Çclass svptÈ:server_port, Çclass scnmÈ:script_name, Çclass ctypÈ:content_type -- Variables available for use: -- http_search_args - stuff in the URL after a ? -- post_args - stuff in the URL after a $ -- method - GET, POST, etc. Used to tell if post_args are valid -- client_address - IP address or domain name of remote client's host -- from_user - non-standard. e-mail address of remote user -- username - authenticated user name -- password - authenticated password -- server_name - name or IP address of this server -- server_port - TCP/IP port number being used by this server -- script_name - URL name of this script -- content_type - MIME content type of post_args -- save the current date and time to check later for quitting set datestamp to current date -- Return each parameter so you can see what the unprocessed -- information looks like. set return_page to http_10_header  & "Unprocessed Results"  & "

Unprocessed Results

" & return  & "


" & return & http_search_args set return_page to return_page & return  & "


" & return & post_args & return  & "


" & return & method & return  & "


" & return & client_address & return set return_page to return_page & return  & "


" & return & from_user & return  & "


" & return & server_name & return  & "


" & return & server_port & return set return_page to return_page & return  & "


" & return & script_name & return  & "


" & return & content_type & return  & "


" & return & username & return  & "


" & return set return_page to return_page  & "
Results generated at: " & (current date) Â & "" & "" return return_page end Çevent WWW½sdocÈ -- The idle function is run everytime the system sends an idle message. -- If the current date is more than idletime seconds more than the last date -- then it is time to quit. -- The return value tells the system how long to wait before on idle if (current date) > (datestamp + idletime) then quit end if return 5 end idle -- This code allows you to do any clean-up that might be necessary. -- Example: you could write the quit event time to a log to see -- how often the applet is running. on quit -- do any clean-up chores here continue quit end quit