CPSC 120 Principles of Computer Science Fall 2024

Lab 2
Drawing and Interaction

Due: Fri 9/13 at the start of lab

Labs are due at the start of lab. It is OK if you show up to lab and copy your files to the handin directory at the very beginning of lab, but this should take at most a couple of minutes and you should not spend the next lab period finishing up the previous week's lab. I will check timestamps, and files handed in more than five minutes after the start of lab will be considered late.

See the policy on late work and extensions.


This week's lab deals with drawing (shapes and colors) and interaction (using the mouse position and responding to mouse clicks and key presses).

Successfully completing this lab means that you are able to:

Academic Integrity and Collaboration

Labs are a chance to practice and gain understanding. You may get help in office hours, at Teaching Fellows, and from other students and may use other materials (such as reference books or websites) but the course materials (including provided links or references to documentation and other materials) along with office hours and the Teaching Fellows should be your primary resources. Always start with these!

You may not, however, copy or be in possession of someone else's program or solution before you have handed in your own and you may not write code collaboratively with another student. You must document any help received and any outside resources used. See the full collaboration policy for more on this.

Be careful not to rely too much on others — things often look easy (or at least easier) when someone else does it. (You don't want the exam to be where you discover this!) You should always make the first attempt at doing something yourself.

Also keep in mind that the goal of the exercises is learning the process of creating programs, not obtaining any particular program. When you get help, also ask about that process — if you're stuck on what to do next, ask not only what to do next but also how one knows that's what to do, or if your program isn't working correctly, ask not only what's wrong and how to fix it but also how to track down the problem for yourself. And finally, make sure that you always fully understand the help you received — you should be able to explain your solution to someone else, and should never just write down code that someone else wrote or told you to write without be able to explain what it does and why.


To hand in your work:


Getting Started

You've started up Processing and are staring at an empty editor window — now what?

Start by writing comments with your name and a brief description of the sketch.

Next, determine whether you are writing a static sketch or an active sketch — do elements of the scene change over time, or have the potential to change over time? If so, you need an active sketch; if not, a static sketch is fine.

Then set up the program structure — copy one of the following templates into your sketch.

  // open window
  // clear the background
  // draw stuff
  void setup () {
    // open window
    // other things done only once at the beginning

  void draw () {
    // draw one frame
    // update what changes for next frame

Review the slides from Wednesday's class to remind yourself which template is for which kind of sketch and to see examples of each.

Finally, fill in the code for your sketch under the appropriate comments. (Note that you won't have anything for "update what changes for next frame" in this lab.) To figure out coordinates and sizes for elements in your scene, draw a picture of the scene on a piece of paper, identify what you need to know, label what you do know, and remember when to eyeball and when you can work out exact values for the "need to know" values. Also refer to the in-class exercises handouts (posted on the schedule page) for summaries of drawing commands and key syntax discussed in class and check out the examples and solutions posted on the schedule page to see how these elements are used and combined.

Incremental Development

Build up your sketch one (small) piece at a time, running it frequently to make sure it does what you want. This gives you confidence that you are on the right track, and if something isn't what you want, it is much easier to find and fix the problem if you haven't added a ton of new code.

You can also practice incremental development by starting with a simpler version of a task first. For example, exercises #1 and #2 below break down the task of creating an interactive sketch into two pieces — first draw a static version of the scene, then add the interaction.

Readability and Formatting Your Code

Most of the whitespace — spaces, tabs, newlines, and such — in a program doesn't matter to the computer. (The only requirement is to separate consecutive words with whitespace.) But whitespace does make a big difference to the humans (including you!) reading your program, and there are established conventions about how to use whitespace to make your programs more readable.

For example, you may notice that the lines of code inside setup and draw in a sketch are usually indented:

void setup () {

(In fact, lines of code inside any set of curly brackets ({}) are indented — we'll see other cases later.)

Indentation is so useful that Processing (and many other programming environments) provide an auto-format tool — choose Tools->Auto Format from the menu. (Once you've written some code, try messing up the indentation of one line or putting two lines on one, and then Auto Format to see what happens.) It's also useful to learn the keyboard shortcut — ctrl-T — so that you can auto format frequently. (This can help you find some kinds of syntax errors — if you auto format and things don't indent the way you expect, there's likely a syntax issue near the beginning of the incorrectly-indented part.)

Other conventions include using blank lines to visually group related instructions (an example) and using line breaks to keep lines from becoming too long. How long is too long? 80 characters is commonly cited as the upper limit because that's the typical width of a printed page — longer than that means lines will wrap awkwardly when printed. Tip: the following comment is 78 characters wide. Paste it as the first or last line in your sketch and size the Processing window so the editor is just wide enough to show the line without having to scroll sideways. Then make sure to press Enter to add line breaks to keep lines from extending past the edge of the editor window. (It is legal to put a line break wherever whitespace is allowed; pay attention to examples to get a sense of better spots.)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reference and Learning More

Processing provides a bunch of building blocks for sketches — things like rect and ellipse and fill and rectMode are part of this. How do you know what all these building blocks are and how to use them? The traditional way this information is made available to programmers is through an API. ("API" stands for "application programming interface"; an interface is where two different systems meet, and the API defines how those systems can interact with each other.)

Access the Processing API by clicking on the link below, or from within the Processing environment, by choosing Help->Reference from the menu.

Try it out: go to the API, then look for the ellipse command (type ellipse where it says "Filter by keywords..." or click on "Shape" in the shortcuts to jump to the right section) and click on the link to bring up the page about that command. You'll find a description of the command, some examples, and its syntax. This is a useful way to refresh your memory about something you've already used or to learn about how to use something new.

We'll cover some of Processing's functionality in class and the book includes other elements not discussed in class, but you are also encouraged (and sometimes required) to explore the Processing API on your own to discover things not covered in class or the book.


Put your name and a description of the sketch in comments at the beginning of each sketch. Also don't forget to Auto Format your code before handing it in.

  1. Create a static sketch named lab2a which draws a scene similar to the picture shown. Include all of the elements shown — hot air balloon, tether (the line extending down from the basket), grass. The tether should connect to the lower left corner of the basket and the cables connecting the balloon to the basket should connect to the upper corners of the basket as shown. Otherwise you don't need to match the sizes, positions, and colors exactly, but you should aim for something close. You can use Tools->Color Selector to help you find appropriate colors.

  1. Create an active sketch named lab2b which works like the example — in particular, now the hot air balloon should move up and down with the mouse while remaining tethered to the ground. The bottom of the balloon's basket should align with the mouse's vertical position.

    Hint: start by copying your sketch from #1 and converting it from a static sketch to an active sketch. Then work on making the balloon track the mouse — break this step down further by first making the basket track the mouse and then make the other parts of the balloon move in sync with the basket.

Your browser does not support the canvas tag.

  1. Create a sketch named lab2c which works like a paintbrush — moving the mouse moves a circle around the drawing window, leaving a trail of circles behind. Clicking the mouse should clear the background.

    Make the circle red and close to the size shown, though you do not need to match the size exactly.

Your browser does not support the canvas tag.

  1. Create an interactive sketch of your own design. (Name this sketch lab2d.) What the sketch depicts is up to you (here's a chance to be creative!) but for full credit it must include the following required elements:

Extra Credit

You can earn extra credit by going substantially beyond the required elements. Some possibilities:

Include a brief description of what you've done for extra credit in a comment at the beginning of your sketch(es). More creative and challenging elements will earn more points.