CPSC 124 | Introduction to Programming | Fall 2004 |
[12/1] Lab #12 (the last one!) has been posted.
[11/18] Quiz #9 has been posted. It will be available after class on Friday 11/19 until class time on Monday 11/22. Note the change of day.
[11/15] Lab #11 has been posted. Note that you have two weeks for this lab because of the Thanksgiving holiday.
[11/9] Lab #10 has been posted.
[11/9] The final programming project has been posted - you get to design and implement a game of your choice. Note that there is an intermediate deadline - you must get approval for your topic and submit a project design before you leave for Thanksgiving break.
[11/6] Quiz #8 will be available from Monday after class until Wednesday class time. It covers sections 5.1-5.5.
[11/6] Some review topics for exam #2 have been posted.
[11/2] Lab #9 has been posted.
[10/25] A bug in MosaicSnake.java that prevented it from compiling has been fixed. If you have already copied the project2 files to your directory, recopy and recompile MosaicSnake and you should be set.
[10/25]> Quiz #6 has been posted. It is due by class on Wednesday.
[10/19] Programming assignment #2 has been posted on the syllabus page. It is due Wednesday 11/10 at 5pm. Don't wait until the last minute! It is a sizable assignment, and you should start early. The Mosaic class (which you will use) will be introduced in lab #7 (it was also in section 4.6 of the text), and we'll begin covering classes and objects (which you will also use) in class on 10/20.
[10/19] Lab #7 has been posted on the syllabus page.
[10/17] There is no quiz this week. Work on programming assignment #1, due Wednesday at 5pm.
[10/12] Lab #6 has been posted. It is a fairly short lab, so spend the extra time working on programming assignment #1.
[10/12] Solutions for the exam have been posted on the syllabus page.
[10/6] Exercise #1 on lab #5 has been modified a bit. This only matters if you have already started working on it - if so, check it out. You won't have to discard anything you've already done, just add a bit to it.
[10/5] This week's lab has been posted on the syllabus page. There are only two exercises (and a bonus) due to mid-term break next week. Note that the lab is still due next Thursday as usual - plan ahead if you have plans for the break.
[10/4] Programming assignment #1 has been posted on the syllabus page. It is due at 5pm on Wednesday, October 20. Do not wait until the last minute to get started, or you will probably not be able to finish it on time.
[10/4] There is no quiz this week. Study for the exam!
[9/26] Quiz #4 has been posted. It covers sections 3.4 and 4.1-4.3, though it is impossible to avoid earlier material. It will be available through Blackboard starting at 12:15pm Monday, until 11:15am on Wednesday. The usual rules apply.
[9/26] There will be no office hours on Tuesday 9/28, Wednesday 9/29, or Friday 10/1 this week. I hope to have email access on those days, but I can't guarantee it. I will definitely answer any emails sent Tuesday-Saturday by Saturday evening at the latest.
[9/22] Lab #4 has been posted. Note that it is due in two weeks, not one week. As usual, you are encouraged to read through the lab before coming to lab.
[9/22] There will be a talk on software engineering Friday at 2pm in Gulick 206A. You are encouraged to attend the talk, and those who attend the talk and hand in a half-page writeup of the talk by class time on Monday 9/27 will earn 5 bonus points to be applied to quiz #4. The writeup should be typed or neatly handwritten (you won't get credit if I can't read it), and should summarize the talk and include at least one comment about something you learned or found interesting. The talk should only last about an hour, and it is OK if you need to slip out a few minutes early because you have something at 3pm.
[9/12] Quiz #3 has been posted. It covers sections 3.3-3.6, though it is impossible to avoid earlier material. It will be available through Blackboard starting at 12:15pm Monday, until 11:15am on Wednesday. The usual rules apply.
[9/15] Lab #3 has been posted on the syllabus page. Read it before coming to lab, so you can spend lab doing rather than reading.
[9/12] Quiz #2 has been posted. It covers sections 2.3-2.5 and 3.1-3.2, though it is impossible to avoid earlier material. It will be available through Blackboard starting at 12:15pm Monday, until 11:15am on Wednesday. The rules are the same as for the previous quiz: closed book, closed notes, closed computer, and closed neighbor. You may not consult anything other than your own brain, you may not talk to anyone about the quiz after you have completed it, and you may not use a computer to test any code. The time limit has been increased to 2 hours because there are several questions which ask you to write some Java code and I don't want anyone to feel rushed. If that isn't enough time, you need to practice the material more.
[9/7] Lab #2 has been posted. You are encouraged to read through it before coming to lab, so you can spend time in lab doing rather than reading.
[9/7] CS tutor hours have been posted. The tutor will be in the vicinity of Lansing 310 (the lab in Lansing).
[9/6] Quiz #1 has been posted. It will be available through Blackboard starting at 12:15pm today, until 11:15am on Wednesday. The directions are given at the start of the quiz, but to repeat:
[9/3] First quiz Monday. It will cover chapter 1 and chapter 2, sections 2.1-2.3. Pay particular attention to vocabulary terms, and the Java constructs introduced in chapter 2. You can use the programming and quiz questions at the end of the chapters as a review, though you won't have to produce anything as complex as an entire solution to one of the programming problems on the quiz.
[9/3] The reading for next week has been updated on the syllabus.
[9/2] If you did not complete lab #1 in lab, you will need to complete it on your own time before the start of lab next week. You can work in Gulick 208 if it is available, Lansing 310, or on your own computer. If you have a Windows computer, see the "VNC" section of "Using Linux at HWS" for information. See me if you have a Mac. If you have a laptop, you can also bring it by my office and I'll help you set it up.
[9/2] I have fixed the file permissions (I think) and updated the directions given in the lab for copying the HelloWorld.java file. If you've already obtained the file (either by copying or by saving it from the web browser), you don't need to do anything. If you haven't copied it, you should use the directions in the lab rather than the web browser method because I have removed the web copy of the file.
[8/31] The first lab (Introduction to Linux and Java) has been posted on the syllabus page. You are encouraged to read through it before coming to lab so that you can spend the lab time doing rather than reading.
[8/27] Welcome to CPSC 124! You should take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the course website, since all important information will be posted here. Check back often for new information.