CPSC 124 | Introduction to Programming | Fall 2004 |
Assignments | Important Dates | |||
Week 1: 8/30-9/3Topics: introduction, structure of a basic java application, variables, primitive types, strings, objects, subroutines Reading: chapter 1; chapter 2, sections 2.1-2.3 Examples: HelloWorld.java, TempConvert.java |
lab #1: Introduction due R 9/9 at the start of lab |
Week 2: 9/6-9/10Topics: strings, objects, subroutines, text input/output, expressions, algorithm design, introduction to 'while' and 'if' Reading: 2.3-2.5, 3.1-3.2, 3.5-3.6 Examples: MathStringDemo.java, TextIODemo.java |
quiz #1 due W 9/8 by class |
lab #2: Java Programs and TextIO due R 9/16 at the start of lab |
Week 3: 9/13-9/17Topics: conditionals and loops (if, switch, while, do...while, for) Reading: 3.5-3.6, 3.3-3.4 Examples: Folding.java, DiceCount1.java (if-else statements), DiceCount2.java (switch statements), Looping1.java, Looping2.java, Looping3.java (three different ways to write a sentinel loop), LoopComparison1.java (while vs. for), LoopComparison2.java (while, do-while, for) |
quiz #2 due W 9/15 by class |
lab #3: Conditionals and Loops due R 9/23 at the start of lab |
Week 4: 9/20-9/24Topics: more loops; subroutines, parameters, return values Reading: 3.3-3.4, 4.1-4.4 Examples: TimesTables1.java, TimesTables2.java (nested loops), CountHeads.java (finding maximums), HelloWorld2b.java (subroutines and javadoc-style comments), GuessingGame1.java, GuessingGame2.java (subroutines), GuessingGame3.java (constants), BeerSong.java, BeerSong2.java (parameters) |
quiz #3 due W 9/22 by class |
lab #4: Networking, Loops,
and Pseudocode due R 10/7 at the start of lab |
Week 5: 9/27-10/1Topics: subroutines, parameters, return values Reading: 4.1-4.4 Examples: TempConvert3.java (subroutines with parameters and return values) |
quiz #4 due W 9/29 by class |
no class W 9/29 |
no lab R 9/30 |
no class F 10/1 |
Week 6: 10/4-10/8Topics: subroutines, parameters, and functions, more about declarations, exam Reading: 4.1-4.4, 4.7 Examples: Palindrome.java, Palindrome2.java (subroutines with parameters and return values), LeapYear.java (subroutines with parameters and return values, and some syntax shortcuts) |
programming assignment #1: Secret Messages due W 10/20 5pm |
review session T 10/5 7pm |
lab #5: Subroutines and Functions due R 10/14 at the start of lab |
exam #1 F 10/8 (solutions - PDF format) |
Week 7: 10/11-10/15Topics: intro to applets and graphics, web pages, toolboxes, APIs, packages Reading: 3.7, 6.2, 4.5 Examples: pseudocode for card games, BasicApplet.java and basicapplet.html, SimpleApplet.java and simpleapplet.html, IllusionApplet.java and illusion.html (applets), SimpleAnimApplet.java and simpleanimapplet.html, SimpleAnimApplet2.java and simpleanimapplet2.html, SimpleAnimApplet3.java and simpleanimapplet3.html (animation in applets) the applets should run in Konqueror when you click on one of the HTML links; if they don't run in your browser, use "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" to save the .java file and the .html file from the link and then compile the .java file and run using appletviewer (to see the HTML source for the web page, do "View Source" in your browser after clicking on one of the HTML links) |
fall recess M 10/11 - T 10/12 |
lab #6: Applets and Graphics due R 10/21 at the start of lab |
Week 8: 10/18-10/22Topics: program design, objects Reading: 4.6, 5.1-5.2 Examples: MathQuiz.java (design with subroutines), Dice.java, DicePair.java (writing classes), DiceTester.java (using objects) |
quiz #5 cancelled - work on programming assignment #1 |
lab #7: Animation and Mosaics due R 10/28 at the start of lab |
programming assignment #2: Snake Pit due W 11/10 5pm |
Week 9: 10/25-10/29Topics: objects, object-oriented design Reading: 5.1-5.2, 5.3 Examples: HotAirBalloon.java (writing classes), Balloons.java and balloon.html (using classes, instance variables, applet init method), War.java (using objects) |
quiz #6 due W 10/27 by class |
lab #8: Using Objects due R 11/4 at the start of lab |
Week 10: 11/1-11/5Topics: more about objects and classes - inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces Reading: 5.4-5.6 Examples: program design - the goal of the roulette design was to decide what classes there should be, and to group methods and variables with the classes they most belong to: RouletteWheel.java, Gambler.java, Bet.java, Roulette.java (main program) Examples: inheritance and polymorphism: Rectangle.java, RoundedRectangle.java, RectDemoApplet.java (applet to demo Rectangle and RoundedRectangle), rectdemoapplet.html (web page for running applet) Examples: inheritance and abstract classes: Shape.java, Rectangle2.java, RoundedRectangle2.java Oval.java, Circle.java, ShapeDemoApplet.java (applet to demo), shapedemoapplet.html (web page for running applet) Examples: inheritance and polymorphism: A1.java, B1.java, Test1.java (which method gets called) |
quiz #7 cancelled - work on programming assignment #2 |
lab #9: Creating Classes due R 11/11 at the start of lab |
optional extra lab session Sun 11/7 4-6pm Lansing 310 |
Week 11: 11/8-11/12Topics: abstract classes, interfaces, more about applets and GUI programming Reading: 5.4-5.6, 6.1, 6.3-6.6 Examples: application of abstract classes and inheritance: Nim.java (main program), NimPlayer.java (generic player), HumanNimPlayer.java (human player), ComputerNimPlayer.java (computer player) Examples: a basic Swing applet (compare to SimpleApplet.java above): SimpleJApplet.java, SimpleJPanel.java, simplejapplet.html Examples: mouse clicks: PaintSplotchApplet.java, PaintSplotchPanel.java, paintsplotch.html |
quiz #8 due W 11/10 by class |
review session R 11/11 6:15pm review topics |
lab #10: Inheritance, Swing,
and Events due R 11/18 at the start of lab |
final project: Choose Your Own Game project design |
exam #2 F 11/12 (solutions - PDF format) |
Week 12: 11/15-11/19Topics: GUI programming Reading: 6.3-6.6, 7.4 (about animation and timers); the rest of chapter 7 is optional reading for those who are interested in more advanced GUI topics Examples: mouse clicks, buttons, and BorderLayout (with some abstract classes and inheritance): PaintSplotchApplet2.java, PaintSplotchPanel2.java, paintsplotch2.html Examples: mouse clicks and timers: WhackAMole.java, WhackAMolePanel.java, whack-a-mole.html Examples: keyboard and focus events: KeyDemoPanel.java, DotPanel.java, KeyDemoApplet.java, keydemo.html |
lab #11: Swing Components,
ActionEvents, and LayoutManagers due R 12/02 at the start of lab |
quiz #9 due M 11/22 by class |
Week 13: 11/22-11/26Topics: GUI programming Reading: 6.3-6.6, 7.4 (about animation and timers); the rest of chapter 7 is optional reading for those who are interested in more advanced GUI topics Examples: mouse drags: DragAMoleDemo.java, DragAMolePanelDemo.java, drag-a-mole.html Examples: mouse clicks and a Swing- and applet-compatible version of Mosaic: MosaicCanvasDemo.java, MosaicCanvasX.java, demo.html |
Thanksgiving recess W 11/24 - S 11/28 |
Week 14: 11/29-12/3Topics: arrays and ArrayLists Reading: 8.1-8.3 Examples: ways to use arrays: Reverser.java, Magic8Ball.java (possible responses picked from commandline), Magic8Ball2.java (possible responses hardcoded), DiceCount3.java Examples: arrays as parameters: ArrayParamDemo.java Examples: partially-full arrays: HandWithArray.java Examples: ArrayList: HandWithArrayList.java |
lab #12: Fun With Arrays due R 12/9 at the start of lab |
Week 15: 12/6-12/10Topics: searching and sorting arrays, multi-dimensional arrays Reading: 8.4-8.5 Examples: TicTacToe.java (2D arrays) Examples: searching and sorting: HandWithArray.java, Searching.java |
quiz #10 due W 12/8 by class |
in lab: work on final project | ||||
Week 16: 12/13-12/17 |
review session M 12/13 6pm review topics |
final exam T 12/14 8:30-11:30am |