CPSC 329 | Software Developemnt | Fall 2008 |
Violet is a simple, free, and attractive editor for UML diagrams. (Many editors are lacking in one or more of these qualities!) You'll be using an extended version I call VioletER which also supports ER diagrams - that's not important for this class, but those of you also in databases will be seeing Violet again.
/classes/f08/cs329/violet/run-violeter &
into your shell. You should get a splash screen, followed shortly by either a rather Windows-like display allowing you to select a drawing type or a recent file, or the editor window itself.
If you get the Windows-like display, choose an existing file you want to open or select "Class Diagram" to create a new UML class diagram.
There's not much to using VioletER:
I've found Violet to be pretty much unusable when run over the network (i.e. displayed on a machine other than the one where it is running). If you want to use it on your own computer:
You'll need Java 6 update 10 installed on your computer. (Run java -version to see what version you have - it should be jdk1.6.0_10.) Earlier versions of Java 6 can be used to create and save diagrams, but you won't be able to print. (download Java 6)
Copy /classes/f08/cs329/violet/violeter.jar and /classes/f08/cs329/violet/run-violeter to your own computer (via scp - ask if you don't know how to do this).
Edit run-violeter, changing /classes/f08/cs329/jdk1.6.0_10/bin/java to the path of your Java 6 installation, and changing /classes/f08/cs329/violet/violeter.jar to the path of where you put violeter.jar.
Make run-violeter executable:
chmod +x run-violeter
will do it if you are currently in the directory where you copied it.
Run run-violeter.
There may be occasional updates to VioletER. These updates shouldn't be important for this course, but an announcement will be posted if there's a new jar available.