CPSC 329 | Software Development | Fall 2012 |
Assignments and Evaluation |
Homework: Homeworks are your chance to practice the course material. Homeworks will generally be short and assigned frequently. Labs: Labs are used to introduce particular technologies, or sometimes for group activities. In many cases you should be able to finish most or all of the exercises during the lab period if you come to lab prepared by having read the handout; anything not completed during the lab period must be finished outside of class. Lab assignments are generally due at the start of the lab session one week after they are assigned. Projects: This is a course about software development, so there are two significant projects where you will develop software. The first will be a team project (small groups), while the second will be an individual project. Final Exam: The second, individual project will be considered to be part of the final exam; there will also be a written exam in the registrar-scheduled time slot. More details about the exam will be announced later in the semester. Final Grades: Final grades in this course will be computed as follows:
Participation: Since class will be discussion-oriented, you are also expected to participate in class. This does not mean that you have to volunteer for everything, but you should be actively engaged in class - i.e. you are paying attention and contribute meaningfully to the class on a regular basis. |
Coding Standards |
Following reasonable conventions is important for readability of your code. The course coding standards specify the particular conventions you should use in this course. |