CPSC 343 | Database Theory and Practice | Fall 2012 |
Reading is to be done for the class period where it is listed. Reading quizzes are due by 9am on the due date listed.
Dates for things in light gray are tentative and may shift slightly.
Assignments | |||||
Week 1: 8/27-8/31Topics: introduction; the relational data model; relational algebra |
Mon | homework
#0 due Wed 8/29 at the start of class |
Wed |
Reading: FCDBS (First Course in Database Systems) ch 1.1-1.2, ch 2.1-2.2
The "quiz" links take you to Blackboard - log in, look for the course "Database Theory and Practice FALL 2012", and then look for "Reading Quizzes" in the menu on the upper left side of the page. Notes: |
quiz #1 due Wed 8/29 9am |
#1 due Fri 8/31 at the start of class |
Fri |
Reading: FCDBS ch 2.4-2.5
Notes: |
no reading quiz | homework
#2 due Mon 9/3 at the start of class |
Week 2: 9/3-9/7Topics: relational algebra; SQL: data definition, queries |
Mon |
Reading: FCDBS ch 2.3, 7.1-7.3 (skim sections about deferred constraint checking and CHECK constraints)
Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today Notes: |
quiz #2 due Mon 9/3 9am |
#3 due Wed 9/5 at the start of class |
Wed | Notes: | homework
#4 due Fri 9/7 at the start of class |
Fri |
Reading: FCDBS ch 5.1, 6.1-6.2.4, 6.3.6-6.3.7
Notes: |
quiz #3 due Fri 9/7 9am |
#5 due Mon 9/10 at the start of class |
Week 3: 9/10-9/14Topics: SQL queries |
Mon |
Reading: FCDBS ch 6.2.5, 6.3
Notes: |
quiz #4 due Mon 9/10 9am |
#6 due Wed 9/12 at the start of class |
Wed | Notes: | homework
#7 due Fri 9/14 at the start of class |
Fri |
Reading: FCDBS ch 6.4
Notes: |
quiz #5 due Fri 9/14 9am |
#8 due Mon 9/17 at the start of class |
Week 4: 9/17-9/21Topics: SQL queries; views; database modifications; importing data |
Mon |
#9 due Fri 9/21 at the start of class |
project topic due Fri 9/21 at the start of class |
Wed |
Reading: FCDBS ch 8.1-8.2.2, 6.5
Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today Notes: |
quiz #6 due Wed 9/19 9am |
#10 due Fri 9/21 at the start of class |
Fri | Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today | homework
#11 due Mon 9/24 at the start of class |
Week 5: 9/24-9/28Topics: ER modeling |
Mon |
Reading: FCDBS ch 4.1
quiz #7 due Mon 9/24 9am |
#12 due Wed 9/26 at the start of class |
project requirements due Fri 10/5 (topic assignments will be announced Mon 9/24 in class) |
Wed | Notes: | homework
#13 due Fri 9/28 at the start of class |
Fri |
Reading: FCDBS ch 4.2
quiz #8 due Fri 9/28 9am |
midterm #1 due Wed 10/3 at the start of class review information |
Week 6: 10/1-10/5Topics: ER modeling |
Mon |
Reading: FCDBS ch 4.3
no reading quiz | |||
Wed |
Reading: FCDBS ch 4.4
no reading quiz | homework
#14 due Fri 10/5 at the start of class |
Fri |
Week 7: 10/8-10/12Topics: converting E/R diagrams to relational schemas |
Mon | fall break (no class) | ||||
Wed | Notes: | homework
#15 due Fri 10/12 at the start of class |
Fri |
Reading: FCDBS ch 4.5-4.6
no reading quiz | homework
#16 due Mon 10/15 at the start of class |
Week 8: 10/15-10/19Topics: normalization; database-driven web applications; HTML and PHP |
Mon |
Optional Reading: FCDBS ch 3
Notes: |
no reading quiz | homework
#17 due Wed 10/17 at the start of class |
project conceptual
design due Wed 10/24 |
Wed |
Reading: FCDBS ch 9.1-9.3.1, 9.7.1-9.7.2
Notes: |
quiz #9 due Wed 10/17 9am |
Fri |
Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today
Reading: |
no reading quiz | homework
#18 due Wed 10/24 at the start of class |
Week 9: 10/22-10/26Topics: database-driven web applications: connecting to the database |
Mon | Notes: | ||||
Wed |
Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today
Reading: |
no reading quiz | homework
#19 due Mon 10/29 at the start of class |
project logical
design due Wed 10/31 |
Fri | Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today | ||||
Week 10: 10/29-11/2Topics: database-driven web applications: forms and sessions |
Mon | Notes: | ||||
Wed |
Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today
Reading: |
no reading quiz | homework
#20 due Mon 11/5 at the start of class |
project application
design due Wed 11/7 |
Fri | Note: class will meet in the Lansing 310 lab today | ||||
Week 11: 11/5-11/9Topics: transactions, stored procedures |
Mon |
Reading: FCDBS ch 6.6
Notes: |
quiz #10 due Mon 11/5 9am |
midterm #2 due Fri 11/9 at the start of class review information |
Wed |
Reading: FCDBS ch 9.4, 10.1
Notes: |
no reading quiz | |||
Fri | Notes: | homework
#21 due Mon 11/12 at the start of class |
implementation due Fri 12/7 |
Week 12: 11/12-11/16Topics: stored procedures, security and user authorization, file organization and indexing |
Mon |
#22 due Wed 11/14 at the start of class |
Wed | Notes: | ||||
Fri |
#23 due Wed 11/28 at the start of class |
Week 13: 11/19-11/23Topics: file organization and indexing |
Mon |
Reading: FCDBS ch 8.3-8.4
Notes: |
quiz #11 due Mon 11/19 9am |
Wed | Thanksgiving break (no class) |
Fri | |||||
Week 14: 11/26-11/30Topics: query processing and optimization |
Mon | Notes: | ||||
Wed |
#24 due Fri 11/30 at the start of class |
Fri |
#25 due Wed 12/5 at the start of class |
Week 15: 12/3-12/7Topics: query processing and optimization; project |
Mon |
Wed | Notes: | ||||
Fri | project demos | ||||
Exams: 12/11-12/14 |
Mon |
review session 2pm, Lansing 3rd floor (optional) |
Tue | |||||
Wed | |||||
Thu | |||||
Fri | end-of-semester deadline no work accepted after 12/14 10pm |
final exam due Fri 12/14 at 10pm review information |
project final handin due Fri 12/14 at 10pm |