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Using Ground Fog

The much more interesting and flexible fog type is the ground fog, which is selected with the fog_type statement. It's appearance is described with the fog_offset and fog_alt keywords. The fog_offset specifies the height, i. e. y value, below which the fog has a constant density of one. The fog_alt keyword determines how fast the density of the fog will approach zero as one moves along the y axis. At a height of fog_offset+fog_alt the fog will have a density of 25%.

The following example (fog5.pov) uses a ground fog which has a constant density below y=25 (the center of the red sphere) and quickly falls off for increasing altitudes.

  fog {

    distance 150

    color rgbf<0.3, 0.5, 0.2, 1.0>

    fog_type 2

    fog_offset 25

    fog_alt 1


The ground fog only covers the lower parts of the world.'

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