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Using Multiple Layers of Fog

It is possible to use several layers of fog by using more than one fog statement in your scene file. This is quite useful if you want to get nice effects using turbulent ground fogs. You could add up several, differently colored fogs to create an eerie scene for example.

Just try the following example (fog6.pov).

  fog {

    distance 150

    color rgb<0.3, 0.5, 0.2>

    fog_type 2

    fog_offset 25

    fog_alt 1

    turbulence 0.1

    turb_depth 0.2


  fog {

    distance 150

    color rgb<0.5, 0.1, 0.1>

    fog_type 2

    fog_offset 15

    fog_alt 4

    turbulence 0.2

    turb_depth 0.2


  fog {

    distance 150

    color rgb<0.1, 0.1, 0.6>

    fog_type 2

    fog_offset 10

    fog_alt 2


Quite nice results can be achieved using multiple layers of fog.

You can combine constant density fogs, ground fogs, filtering fogs, non-filtering fogs, fogs with a translucency threshold, etc.

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