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The CSG difference operation takes the intersection between the first object and the inverse of all subsequent objects. Thus only points inside object A and outside object B belong to the difference of both objects.

The results is a subtraction of the 2nd shape from the first shape as shown in the figure below.

The difference between two objects.

The syntax is:


The component objects must have well defined inside/outside properties. Patch objects are not allowed. Note that if the first object is entirely inside the subtracted objects, the difference object disappears.

Here is an example of a properly formed difference:

  difference {

    box { <-1.5, -1, -1>, <0.5, 1, 1> }

    cylinder { <0.5, 0, -1>, <0.5, 0, 1>, 1 }


Note that internally, POV-Ray simply adds the inverse keyword to the second (and subsequent) objects and then performs an intersection. The example above is equivalent to:

  intersection {

    box { <-1.5, -1, -1>, <0.5, 1, 1> }

    cylinder { <0.5, 0, -1>, <0.5, 0, 1>, 1 inverse }


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