CS 124, Fall 2021
Lab 14: Hangman Finished

For the final lab assignment of the semester, you should complete the Hangman game that was begun in Lab 12 and continued in Lab 13. (Or, if you are working on a different program, you should finish that). Remember that your completed final project is due by 3:00 PM on the last day of class, Friday, December 3. You should turn in a project folder with everything needed to run your program. The name of the folder should be something like lab12 or hangman or final_project. It is OK to turn in a complete Eclipse project folder.


For this final lab, you should already have a completed, working game by the time you arrive at the lab, or at least be pretty close. You can use the last lab to add polish and maybe some additional features to your program.

The program that you turn in for this project should be well-documented, with comments for global variables and Javadoc-style comments for the class and for methods. The program should carefully follow all the other rules of good programming style. The code should be well-organized and efficient. Define subroutines where appropriate to avoid having long segments of code in one method.

A correct but minimalistic game will not receive full credit. The game should look nice, and it should be fun to play. It should keep the user fully informed about exactly what is going on by displaying frequent, appropriate messages. It should disable and enable buttons (or menu commands) appropriately.

Think about adding some extra features. You could provide the user with a choice of several different word lists to choose from. You might keep track of the number of games won or lost and display that information somewhere in the panel. You might implement levels of difficulty by varying the number of incorrect guesses that are allowed. If you are working on your own computer, where presumbably sound works, you could think about adding Midi sound effects using ideas from Lab 9. Or come up with your own ideas.