Page Heading

Each paragaraph begins with a "P" command, which tells Netscape to skip some space and start a new line.

The IMG command is used to include an image on a page. The image is in a separate file, maalogo.gif, in "gif" format. The source file is specified here by a "relative URL", that is just a file name. This means that the file maalogo.gif is found in the same directory as this HTML file.

A link is created using an "A" command. An easy way to make it is with the "HTML Link..." command in the "Extensions" menu of BBEdit Lite. Hilite some text, choose this command, and then type in the full or relative URL for your link. (Hint: You could cut and paste this URL from the Location box at the top of the Netscape window.) Some examples of links are this link back to the workshop page and this link to the MAA home page.

It is easy to make lists of things. For example, your page might include a list of

Favorite Links

David Eck